Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Human wisdom 44

 King Wen of Zhou asked Jiang Taigong: "The monarch devoted himself to recommending worthy talents, but failed to achieve results, and the social chaos became more and more serious, so that the country was in danger, what is the reason for this?  ?" Taigong said, "Selecting worthy talents and not appointing them is a false name for cultivating worthy talents, but not the essence of using worthy talents." King Wen said, "Where is the mistake?"  Taigong said: "The mistake is that the monarch likes to use people who are praised by the world, but does not use the real talents."

Friday, January 28, 2022


 以下是網路蒐集的新年祝賀詞 新年吉祥話 過年祝福語資訊:











  僧伽吒经四句偈:我不求王位 不求世财宝 心怀无上愿 愿成二足尊


  请念这四句话至少三遍-21遍,每天坚持念,就可以梦到六大梦境之一,梦见杀人,梦见脏水,梦见屎尿,梦见大火,梦见剃头发,梦见熟人。总之就是梦见各种恐怖怪异之事情。很神奇的,这是我无意在僧伽吒吧发现的,这四句话摘自《僧伽吒经》,《僧伽吒经》是那烂陀寺的镇寺之宝,传说诵读或是抄写这部经典,乃至四句话就会在梦中消业障还债,所以会梦见这些恐怖梦境, 大家来体验体验,做了梦要反馈哦。记得多念哦!

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Master Chin Kung talked about world peace 3

 Restore the essence of religious education

    The conference documents of this conference raised three very meaningful questions when describing the background of the conference: (1) Do people really understand the religion they support?  (2) Can they really practice according to the teaching prescribed by the holy book?  (3) Can they truly understand the core values ​​of religion?

 Jingkong is willing to tell you frankly that I have been engaged in religious education for fifty-four years, and I have been studying, practicing, and expounding on the above-mentioned related issues.

 Buddhism is the education of Buddha Shakyamuni.  We call Buddha Shakyamuni the "master", and we are the disciples of the Buddha.  We have a teacher-student relationship with Buddha Shakyamuni.  His name has profound educational significance.  "Sakyamuni" means kindness and fraternity, which can help all living beings get away from suffering and happiness. This is the virtue of compassion; "Muni" means silence and purity, and is the virtue of wisdom.  Speaking of Buddha Shakyamuni, we immediately think that we should be pure and undisturbed to ourselves, and be kind and fraternal to others.  This is totally inspired by education.  Buddha Shakyamuni has been speaking for forty-nine years in his life and has lectured more than 300 meetings.  He is a kind multicultural society educator.

And all religions in the world are social education advocated by their religious founders.  Every religion must move towards teaching and towards religious education.  Although the form of religion is needed, the teaching of religion is more important. The form is like a coat, and teaching is the content and the essence.  On February 18, 2004, when Mr. Wahid talked to me about this issue, he wittily said to me: "Some people are not looking for God at all, they are just looking for the clothes of God. And I know what you feel.  We are interested in the true God, not the outer garment of God.” Yes, we must explore the connotation of religion, use the spirit of religion to guide believers, implement the theories and methods in religious scriptures into our lives, improve our spirituality, and transform  In our life, this kind of religion is full of vitality.  Therefore, to those who come to my lectures for the first time, I first introduce "Knowing Buddhism" to them, so that they understand that religion is not superstition, not blind faith, it is sacred education.

 This kind of sage education will change the temperament of people. The first stage will turn people from evil into good, and various kinds of education will make people "do not do evil, and all good will follow." The second stage will make people  Enlightenment, through the study of sage classics, make people understand the truth of life in the universe, the universe is the environment in which we live, and life is ourselves; the third stage, conversion to sanctification, through in-depth study, self-transformation, self  Perfect, and increasingly consistent with the sages.  Not only Buddhism, but the education of all other religions will have such educational results.

In view of the degeneration of social ethics and morality, the decency of etiquette standards, the influx of material desires, and the turn of evil in people's minds, family education, school education, and social education focus only on the inculcation of scientific and technological knowledge, and abandoned ethical education.  Only by relying on religious education to enlighten the people with the treasures of various religions, the norms of words and deeds of sages, and the teachings of sacred religions, can we maintain the integrity of the family, the stability of the society, and the long-term governance of the country and world peace.

 The famous British historical philosopher, Dr. Tonby, highly praised the Chinese Confucian and Mencius doctrines and Mahayana Buddhism.  He believes that this is a good medicine to solve the social problems of the 21st century.

 Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius is based on benevolence as the center, etiquette as the norm, and family ethics as the fundamental education.  The moral content recommended includes: filial piety, loyalty, faithfulness, etiquette, righteousness, integrity, shame, benevolence, love, harmony, and peace.  The Confucian and Mencius doctrine emphasizes five relationships and ten righteousness in dealing with the relationship between people.  The "five relationships" refer to father and son, husband and wife, brothers, monarchs and ministers, and friends. The five relationships should be "father and son are relatives, monarchs and ministers are righteous, husbands and wives are distinguished (different division of labor), elders and children are orderly, and friends are trustworthy.  "(See "Mencius • Teng Wen Gong Zhang Ju").  "Ten righteousness" refers to "the righteousness of the father, the filial piety of the son, the brotherhood, the brotherhood, the righteousness of the husband, the wife (docile cooperation), the long benefit, the young shun, the emperor and the benevolence, and the loyalty of the minister.  "Book of Rites" Li Yun chapter).  These five principles and ten righteousness clarify each person's interpersonal relationship in society, moral and ethical concepts, and their obligations.  Using the twelve virtues and five ethics and righteousness included in the Confucian and Mencius doctrines to cultivate one's body, align the family, govern the country, and pacify the world, the hearts of the people will be good, the family will be harmonious, the country will last forever, and the world will be peaceful.  And it is all about whether the "Disciples Regulations" are truly implemented.

 Confucianism inherits the teachings of ancient Chinese Yao and Shun, and has a long history of at least five thousand years.  And another one that has a profound influence on the Chinese is Buddhism.  Buddhism came from India during the Han Dynasty in 67 AD.  The basic doctrine of Buddhism is: "All evils are forbidden, all goodnesses are practiced, and they are self-purifying. It is all Buddhism."  The Buddhist classics advocate: filial piety to support parents, serving teachers, and practicing ten kinds of good karma: 1. No killing, 2. No stealing, 3. No adultery, 4. No lying, 5. No profligacy, 6. No evil talk  , Seven, no two tongues, eight, no greed, nine, no aversion, ten, no foolishness.  Buddhism advocates education of true wisdom, education of cause and effect, where good is rewarded for good, and evil is rewarded for evil.  The Buddha explained to people the six things of "nature, appearance, reason, matter, cause, and effect" in life in the universe.  The Buddhist scriptures tell us, "If you want to know the cause of the past life, the recipient of this life is; if you want to know the effect of the next life, the author is the author of this life."  Therefore, Buddhism educates the public not to create evil causes and avoid evil consequences.  The root of Buddhism teaching is filial piety and respect for the teacher, and the foundation of filial piety is also in the concrete practice of the "Disciple Guidance".

Mahayana Buddhism in life is based on the principles of self-interest, altruism, and self-consciousness. It implements the six practice methods (six degrees) of generosity, precepts, patience, diligence, meditation, and wisdom. When getting along with the public, use generosity and love  The four ways of receiving and helping sentient beings, namely, speaking, benefiting (serving for sentient beings), and colleague (integrating into the masses), make merit and wisdom more perfect.  The teaching of Buddhism is the teaching of wisdom and love.  To enable the educated to understand the truth of life in the universe, so as to properly handle the relationship between man and man; the relationship between man and nature; the relationship between man and heaven and earth ghosts (the relationship between man and all creatures in different dimensions).  The educational connotation of Buddhism is very rich. It not only guides one's life, can obtain immeasurable blessings and wisdom due to the ten good karma, six degrees, four repercussions, etc., but also guides people to transcend the suffering of birth, old age, sickness and death, and transcend the suffering of reincarnation.

 If you do not stay in the external form of religion, but completely restore the essence of religious education and thoroughly implement the teachings of the classics, all sentient beings will gain real benefits.  And the happiness of the family, the prosperity of the country

Master Chin Kung talks about world peace 2

 2. Multiple religions come from the same source

    Cingkong began to study the Buddha education at the age of 26, and guided his life with the holy scriptures of Buddhism. At the age of 79, he has experienced 54 springs and autumns.  Later, I extensively studied and studied the classics of other religions.  I used to study the Christian "Bible" with my heart, and selected an excerpt from the "Bible Quotations" for Buddhists' reference. During the Buddhist teaching training class held in Singapore, I used to study the Catholic Rosary and in Singapore  The Catholic Church gave a report on the study of the "Rose"; in September 2004, I was in Hong Kong to explain the study experience of the "Quran" of Islam...

    Through studying the scriptures of multiple religions, I realized that the root of all religions is kindness and fraternity.  Buddhism talks about great mercy, Catholicism and Christianity talk about God loving the world, Islam says God is merciful, and so on.  Although different religions have differences in name and appearance, their purpose is to be kind and fraternity, and the goal is to make all sentient beings free from suffering and happiness, and live in a beautiful and peaceful world with physical and mental stability.

    Jingkong realized that although every religion talks about the creation of the universe, although there are many kinds of names, but in fact, there is only one true god in the universe (Buddhism called the equality of mind, dharma, and reality).  This true God has perfect wisdom, merit, and supernatural powers, and the suffering of sentient beings can be saved by the kind of body that should be saved.  In Buddhism it is Buddha and Bodhisattva, in Christianity it is God and Jesus, in Islam it is God and Muhammad, etc.  The sacredness of each religion is the incarnation of the only true god in the universe.  The different incarnations of the true God are for skillful and convenient cultivation, adapting to different races, regions, cultures, and beings of different roots, so they have different external forms and different art teaching methods.  It turns out that we are from the same source!  It turns out that we are all one!  Therefore, we have every reason to let go of all prejudices, misunderstandings, confrontations and conflicts, arm in arm, and sincerely cooperate and help each other heart-to-heart, so as to bring peace and happiness to mankind.  This is the most basic idea for us to learn and receive the "religious education of love".

    After we understand these principles, it is inevitable that religions live in harmony, learn from each other, cooperate with each other, and teach together.  We work together to guide all believers and restore the original goodness of kindness and fraternity.  The unity of religions leads to world peace, and the education of religions leads to social stability. In this way, we will transform the earth, our world into a paradise, into a world of bliss, and into a heaven.

    During his stay in Singapore, Jingkong established friendly exchanges and harmonious relations with the nine major religions in Singapore.  The nine major religions have all been to our lecture halls to preach. Our believers listened respectfully. We also went to lecture halls of other religions. They also respectfully welcomed and learned from each other.  At the New Year’s prayer meeting, we prayed for world peace together.  And fund each other's charity and relief work.  They also organized a joint delegation to visit China in 2000, which increased mutual exchanges and friendship.  In 2003, when the Australian Buddhist Pure School of Buddhism was established, the nine major religious groups in Singapore came to Australia to congratulate us.  President Nathan of Singapore was very impressed with the unprecedented harmony and unity of the nine major religions in his country.  During my six invitation visits to Indonesia in 2004, I introduced this experience to the leaders of the Indonesian government and their religious leaders, which also aroused their great interest.  I was invited as an honorary advisor to visit Cairo, Egypt, and the Holy Catholic city of Vatican, Italy, together with the Indonesian religious delegation, and met with Pope John Paul II, the elder of the University of Alazia with a thousand-year history of Islam.  John Paul II).  In December 2004, they invited me to be a consultant to visit China. Leaders of various major religions in Indonesia, Indonesian government officials and former President Wahid all participated in this visit.  These exchanges have enhanced the friendly exchanges, understanding and mutual assistance, and peace and unity between Chinese and Indian religions.

Master Chin King talks about world peace 1

 Since the September 11th incident in the United States, the entire world has been in a state of instability, conflicts have increased and escalated, and the people have longed for peace.  But where is the source of peace?  Where is the root of the conflict?  Observe carefully and realize that this is not outside at all, but in our hearts.

   Harmony, harmony is the most precious, is the law of nature (the universe is originally harmonious, just like the human body is originally harmonious and healthy).  Harmony is the inherent virtue of our nature.  The founder of Buddhism, Shakyamuni, when he was enlightened and enlightened, he said the first sentence from deep meditation, which is: "Wonderful! Wonderful! All sentient beings in the world have the same things as Buddha.  Wisdom, light, harmony, and virtue cannot be manifested only because they are covered by delusions, troubles, greed and attachments."

    Our nature is pure and pure, and peaceful.  As the Chinese Confucian said, "At the beginning of human beings, human nature is inherently good."  Why did it become unkind and confrontational?  That's because of the function of habit. The habit is the acquired knowledge and insights, and by clinging to these insights and not giving way, peace is broken and conflicts and confrontations arise.  So to restore peace, you must first start from your own heart.  First, resolve the conflict between your inner nature and habits.  Letting go of the inner thoughts of controlling and possessing all people, things, and things, letting go of greed and hatred, and all deeds that harm others and self-interest, can fundamentally resolve all conflicts in the world and restore true peace.

    The fundamental return of peace to the heart is based on the theoretical basis of Buddhist classics and the evidence of modern scientific experiments.

 In Buddhism’s most famous classic "Hua Yan Sutra", it says: "If people want to know, all Buddhas in the three generations should observe the nature of the Dharma and create everything based on their minds." (See "Hua Yan Sutra, Volume 19, Yemo Palace"  This sentence means that the universe and the world’s life are created by our mind and deeds-only the mind is present, and only the consciousness changes.  Another well-known classic "Shou Shurangama Sutra" (Volume 1) said: "All dharmas are born from the heart. All cause and effect, the dust of the world, the body is formed by the mind."  pregnancy".  Our thoughts, our minds, affect everything on the outside.  This truth is very deep.  The "Hua Yan Sutra" fully explained this problem.  I'm currently teaching this sutra. I have spoken for more than two thousand five hundred hours. I haven't finished it yet. Now I can only cite an analogy: dreaming is an experience that everyone has.  We have a good mentality and we often have beautiful dreams.  If our mentality is fierce, we will often have nightmares.  Where do dreams come from?  All the realms, all the characters, all the mountains, rivers and earth in the dream are not realized by our minds?

    Modern science has gradually confirmed this.  Dr. Emoto Katsushika from Japan has conducted research on water for ten years and found that the human mind can change the shape of water crystals.  Kindness and good thoughts can make the crystal shape of water beautiful, and disgusting and evil thoughts can make the crystal shape of water ugly.  For example, put a cup of water with the words "peace" and another cup with the words "war".  After a period of time, through instrumental observation, it will be found that the water crystals of the former have become very beautiful, while the water crystals of the latter have become very ugly.  Dr. Masaru Emoto’s scientific discoveries were valued by the United Nations Headquarters and he was invited to New York, USA to give a report.  I personally invited Dr. Jiang Bensheng to come to Australia and gave three test reports on his ten-year water research at Jingzong College, Griffith University, and University of Southern Queensland.  These reports fully demonstrate that "the mind can affect material changes, and the mind can affect and change the external environment."  This discovery has brought new thinking to people’s lives, has brought a new plan for environmental protection workers to purify people’s hearts before purifying the environment, and has brought far-reaching enlightenment to peace workers: only to eliminate their inner conflicts.  , Injustice and disputes can achieve external harmony, the stability and peace of the family, society and the universe.  There is a famous saying in our Buddhist scriptures: "A pure heart leads to a pure land."  We have found the source of peace-in our hearts.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Keeping promise is so important

 Life is not easy but full of challenges. If someone help us during our difficult time, we need to remember keeping promise is extremely important. Once losing trust, it is very difficult to win back their trust again.

Yes, I did this before but I learn from this occurrence.

Not long ago, I need financial assistance, a friend lended me some money so as to help me settle outstanding loans but with one condition that I must not borrow from other parties. I agreed but somehow I broke the promise. And he lost the trust on me. I apologized to him and I know I have to keep promises in future.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Covic 19 still exist, need take care

 Covic 19 started to spread since beginning of year 2020 approximately. Many years ago, the master had prediction there was flu type panamic outbreak in near future. I believe what he said might be covic 19. He said people get this panamic through breathing in, touching like shaking hands. What the master’s prediction had come to reality.

On April 2020, one of my colleagues got infested via her husband. So , I also put in quarantine for 14 days. During this quarantine period, I wasn’t allowed to go out of my home. Enforcement officers would contact me anytime through WhatsApp to check on my whereabout. They would carry out video chat also. If get caught , then We need to go court to face the charge.

Just hope covic19 can be over soon. For the time beings, stay at home more often.

Yes, write more blogs is the choice. Am I right?

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Life will be miserable once taking drugs

 Whole life will be miserable if one taking drugs. The addiction is so powerful that you need to take it frequently and your body and mental state will be deteriorated.

In short, life will be shortened and you will miss the beautiful aspects of life.

In Singapore, consuming or selling illegal drugs like heroin is extremely serious. If you are caught possessing exceeded amounts, most likely  youwill be hanged after court conviction.

So, bear in mind, don't ever taste the illegal drugs.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Beware of Singapore environmental acts

 For travellers to Singapore, you must understand some environmental acts.

Travellers usually like to visit Orchard road, there are many shopping malls, hotels, etc. In Orchard road area , you are not allow to smoke within that designated boundary except some permitted smoking spots. If you caught by enforcement officers, they will summon you with the $300 fine. You can pay the fines through AXS or other similar machines. If you don’t want to pay, you need to go to subordinate court on the designated date. Smoking under the building like staircases, lobby areas all not allowed even at the side of building underneath windows. You can only smoke in the designated smoking corner. Littering is not allowed everywhere. So if you are caught $300 first time. More fines will need to pay if repeated offenses. But you don’t want to pay , court will send you to prison , the duration stay in prison based on your amounts of fines.

So, this is the reminder to oversea travellers that Singapore is the fine city.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Human beings still struggling in this century

There are over 50 billions population in the world. Human beings are still struggling even today.

Their lives all different, some are non status refugees , they are non citizens in this world, there fates are so pitiful. They are waiting for food from others just for survival. Why they became refugees? I think due to war or conflicts. These refugees are ignored and just lost in this modern world.

Some are doing bad things selling illegal drugs or scamming just for self benefits without regards to others wellbeing.

Some are struggling just for survival. But few are very rich with tonnes of money.

Rich must willing to help poor, rich nations must help poor nations. Human beings still struggling even in this century.

I wish all humans put down their weapons, discarding conflicting mindset and treat all like brothers and sisters.

But thinking back , I am lucky….

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Time to recite Namoamituofo

 Today, my body feel very painful. Suddenly feel that life is ready suffering. Can I pass through this November? Now, I have to recite Namoamituofo , just prepare for the last day if.....

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Aging is part of life

 When we were young, our bodies were strong. After 50 years of age, body slowly painful here and there.

The common one is back pain and shoulders pain.

Now I facing left shoulder pain, I think it is painful due to sleeping posture. So now, I must sleep on right shoulder and try not to mobilize left shoulder too much.

Take care our body, so that we can live longer....

Thursday, November 4, 2021

All religions are good

All religions are good, it tell human to become good human. Any teachings that teach people to kill others for self interest or selfishness are evil. Basically, Religions tell people to get rid of greed, hatred and having wisdom to live properly.Sometimes, believers are too passionate about his religion and want to spread it. It is understandable because he wants other to be good. But we must understand different religion believers also believe that they are right, so we all must respect all other religions. We just focus on learning own religion. You can share with your religion knowledge to others but should not force people to convert it. Due to different geographic locations, human beings having different religions. We need to treat all other religions believers as brothers, sisters because we are all human. I wish all of you happy forever, this is just my little thought.

Friday, October 29, 2021





感恩所有善的助缘, 在此向您敬礼!


Saturday, October 23, 2021

So much love to China

 There is the saying beating and scolding to kids , considered love.

USA is great again because it ready concern every area / issues in China but sadly neglecting it's own critical issues.

Through sanctioning China , China no choice but to rely own self. China finally realized that relying on USA is very risky, why? Because one day USA stopping and sanctioning certain components, then China industries will be greatly affected just like Hwawei.

Through pinpointing certain human rights issues, it help Chína to improve towards more positivity.

The world is ready changing, so much love pouring to China.

Great love : There is a saying beating is love. USA is ready great, it sanction China this and that. So China suddenly realize that it can’t rely on USA. And now China must develope it’s own technology.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Harry harding talks positively about Chína

 Australian reporter Harry Harding always talk positively about China.

In order to talk fairly, one might not having biased views in the first place.

Of course, some people will be very angry if you talk positively about Chína.

But Harry Harding just do the right thing and never forced by someone.

He said: " In China, some people can sit on the street and drink beer and talk about how bad China is.  But you can't do this in Australia, you can't do it in Canada, you will be arrested.  But in China, you really live a life full of freedom, which is a very pleasant life."

We can see positive views about China but rarely.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Why so many actors/ actress died at young age?

 Since I was born , I saw so many actors/actress die at very young age. I am now exploring why?

1. Sickness, some died because suddenly having some serious illness beyond cure. Money couldn’t save their lives. It shows life is unpredictable and uncertain.

2. Emotional issues, some were so attached to love affairs. If their lovers did something unfaithful, they couldn’t take it and some just simply end their own lives. As if they will only live with man/ woman love.

These uncured sickness and failing to handling love affairs causing their lives.

3. Sadness, tiredness, getting threat were also causing them leaving the world early.

Conclusion: We need to realize all these are the outcome of cause and effect. We must adopt very positive mindset. We need to let go all wandering thoughts and do only good deeds, it will dilute our negativity.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Human wisdom

 From  a wise man:" To clear illusion, You need " Don't care about all people, all things, and all things, don't take it to your heart, all laws are equal, and you have to let go of your worries and habits.  I like this, but if I have the wrong heart, let it go; if I hate it, let it go; if I see it pleasingly, let it go; let it go if it doesn’t pleasing to the eye, let it go.  Always keep your mind like a mirror, that's right, this is true practice.  This is a simple matter. Only a person like Master Huineng can understand it. Generally speaking, the upper, middle and lower roots do not work. They have to be cultivated in the classics for a long time.  Realize that the crash course can't do it.  If you are a root machine, you are naturally a crash course, and it is not possible for a person who is not on the root machine. You have to understand the truth.  For learning and Taoism, haste is not enough. It is impossible to achieve quickly.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

How to response to scam?

 Nowadays, we onton line users must be careful of on line scam.

Scammers are just like thieves, robbers, they must be brought to justice.

Some scammers are associated with secret societies, they will use all types of threatening messages , photos , video in order to suck your money.

Recently, I encountered unknown 200 dollars in my bank account, something unusual.

Few days later, I received WhatsApp messages from unknown number. I blocked and reported it.

The next day, my company told me they received a message that a loan shark wanted me to call him.

My immediate Superior called me and saying he wants to terminate me if I'm unable to settle it in a week.

I have no choice and unlock the WhatsApp. The person response and say why blocked him. I said I always block unknown WhatsApp numbers due to too many nuisance messages.

He said he was the one bank in 200 and I need to pay back $400 in one week time.

I told him I never apply loan but this suspicious person just keep on harassing.

The next day I reported police and hand over 200 dollars to police.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Life is precious

 Life is ready precious because we can see, feel, think, act. We can make use of this tools to sharpen ourselves towards goodness.When there is life, there is hope. Although the aspect of life is unpredictable and uncertain but we can always apply positive energies so that we can live in fulfilling life. Mindset is very important, it will affect our life journey. We can do the best even we encounter unbearable obstacles. Time can cure…but don't do stupid things like ending lives because of fame, emotional attachment, money, etc.

To get through the darkness , we need lights and positive energies.

Remember to restart your positive plan now. The world is fair but we have to fill up positive mindset, then positiveness will return for sure.

Am I right? Brother and sister!

Friday, October 1, 2021






Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Graceful world

An article which I like to share with you. There is six tips provided.

1. Be grateful to those who have hurt or harmed you, for they have reinforced your determination.

2. Be grateful to those who have deceived you, for they have deepened your insight.

3. Be grateful to those who have hit you, for they have reduced your obstacles.

4. Be grateful to those who have abandoned you, for they have taught you to be independent.

5. Be grateful to those who have made you stumble, for they have strenghthened your ability.

6. Be grateful to those who have denounced you, for they have increased your wisdow and concentration.

So, Be grateful to those who have made you Firm  & Resolute and helped in your achievement.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Life is wonderful

 Life is wonderful indeed. To live happily til last breathe is all human want.

For body, we need food to survive day by day. To live properly, we need right mindset. We need to adopt positivity.

Humans all got different mindset. The highest mindset is free from hatred, greed and silliness.

Some people having hatred like to carry out terrorist activities. These people have zero wisdom and their lives wouldn't be good but they will suffer sooner or later. 

Greed is very common. The wise person wouldn't get whatever not supposed to get. Those robbers will have bad lives somehow.

Everything happened all got reasons behind.

With right mindset, we wouldn't easily by negative propaganda.

In short, we need to examine ourselves, try to amend all our mistakes, then we can have positive life.

All human need to live happily even beliefs are different because of different locations, different teachings, different cultures. We can't follow bad practice if we know it is bad for human.

We do our best.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Singapore enforces new environmental law

 From 1st September, anymore who dine in hawker centre, after eating you have to clear your tray, tissue, bowl, cup to a collection point. Those who never do, you will given warning or advice. Second time, if you never do it, then you will be fined just 300 dollars.

From next year onwards coffee shops you have to do also, if not you have to prepare " donating " 300 dollars only.

Dish collecters only responsible for cleaning dining tables. Those who has genuine inability to carry will be excused.

So, if you visit Singapore, please take note on it. If you don't want to wear mask, if get caught, you have to prepare to pay fine or go court. Singapore law is very strict, don't play play ok!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Fortune and misery

 The Exalted One (Lao Tzu) states: Fortune and misery do not happen at 

random and nor are they the result of chance or machinations; they are 

instead caused by the karmic actions of each individual. The rewards for a 

person's virtue and good deeds as well as the consequences of evil deeds 

follows each like a shadow.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Peace starts with me

 Yesterday I went to coffee shop to have dinner. A 80 years old said he always tell people to do good things. This old man that he was very disappointed of human beings don't want to do good things but all bad things.

I told him just focus on doing good things . You can advise them to do good but don't be unhappy because they don't want to do.

We have to do ourselves within. Anyway human beings can do ready good if they can wake up.

I think Buddha teaching is ready good especially in this era.


Buddha told us not to kill, steal, illegal sex, lies, alcohol, etc.

The important part is to have compassion towards all lives

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Common karma and different karma

Master Chin Kung always teach people about human lives. Let's see what master said: Everyone hopes to have blessings, and fortunes must also be motivated.  The Buddha tells us in all scriptures that generosity is the cause and condition of all blessings.  The wealth, wisdom, health and longevity we have gained are the result.  The retribution does not come out of thin air, it is accumulated in the past life.  There are reasons and destinies for accumulating merit.  Because of victory and inferiority, your heart is brave and disorganized.  Fate also has advantages and disadvantages. When you encounter a great fate, the result is particularly good; when you encounter a fate that is not victorious, the fruit is almost repaid.There is no cause and effect in all the laws of the world. If we want to accumulate merits and cultivate real merit, we must know how to give and provide, especially the Dharma, and the Dharma. This merit is boundless.  If you are truly willing to give, give sincerely, help the society, and help all suffering beings. If you are blessed or not, if you give it to everyone, the accumulated virtue will become more and more extraordinary.  We know that we are blessed, and we must work hard to grow blessings. We hope that this blessing will grow, the Three Treasures will bless us, and the Dragon Heaven will bless us.We see that today's society is not good, and there are many people who cause evil karma, which is a precursor to the future of the great catastrophe. Fortunately, there are also people who have accumulated meritorious deeds. Therefore, there are still Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to support and stabilize the catastrophe.  If no one in this place accumulates their contributions, the future of this area will be unimaginable.  It's good for us to understand these things in our hearts, so when we meet a real fellow Daoist, we must persuade him to study hard, turn evil into good, and turn confusion into enlightenment.  Although karma has common karma and different karma, our other karma can affect the common karma, especially when there are many Buddhist students and many people who truly cultivate, it is decided to influence the common karma.There are too many people in the world now, and it is prone to war.  Especially because of the inequality between the rich and the poor, most people live in this world and complain about others. This is very terrifying.  In today's world, the number of countries possessing nuclear weapons has gradually increased, and the world's ethical and moral concepts have fallen, which is terrible.  No one can predict the change of the situation right now. It is really changing rapidly. We know the current situation, and we have to be serious about the practice of Buddhism.  Especially in this era, with natural disasters and man-made disasters, Teacher Li said before his death that the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas could not be saved by this catastrophe, and sentient beings felt karma.We have common karma with all beings, but there are different karma in the common karma, which is individual practice.  Individuals earnestly practice, this is another karma, which can avoid disasters.  We know that after a great disaster, there are some people who can be spared, and those who can be spared are blessed.  As the saying goes, if you don't die in a catastrophe, you will have a blessing. If he is not blessed, how can he escape the disaster?  There is no way to restore the common karma of all living beings. There are different karma in the common karma, not individual ones. This is something we should cherish especially If you are truly motivated and practice according to teachings, then you are a bodhisattva, and a bodhisattva lives in the world.  The Bodhisattva lives in this area, protects the Buddhas in the ten directions, and protects the dragon and heaven. This place is blessed. In the great catastrophe, this place can avoid disasters.The most extraordinary merit in the world is no more than practicing the pure patriarchal school. If we want to be blessed, we must honestly recite the Buddha.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Time to relax

 This is ready the confused world. Now, I stop blogging for a while.

It is time to relax now.  Bye bye now.

Thank for all readers who visiting my site. Appreciate it and I found there is huge readership recently.

Thanks. Bye bye.

See you next month.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Student guide for USA

Time to study useful student guide, how to be happy person. This is chapter 4– Be Trustworthy , this book is suitable for USA


“When I speak, honesty is important. Deceitful words and lies must not be tolerated. “

My view : USA always telling lies , fabricated washing powder as weapons of mass destruction, USA used this as the excuse to invade a middle east country. Ex USA secretary of state Pompeo telling people he was lieing all the time. So, he is not the trustworthy person. Whatever he says after that, how can you trust him. We don’t tell lies if we want to have blessed life.


” Rather than talking too much, it is better to speak less. I will speak only the truth, I will not twist the facts. “

My view : USA smearing China non stop. USA always twist the facts and collected all fake information from those anti China USA politicians and chinese traitors. USA just use this to smear China, like genocide, forced labor, etc.


“Cunning words, foul language, and philistine habits must be avoided at all costs.

What I have not seen with my own eyes, I will not readily tell to others. What I do not know for sure, I will not easily pass on to others. “

My view : USA smearing China without evidence and simply said China viruses and created Asian hate and many American Asian get bullied, beaten. We know USA having bad government because the president behave badly.

To be continued……

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Human and world peace

 Now year 2021, the world still not peaceful. It looks like the world still in conflict.

Conflicts on race, nation, ideology, religion, etc. The only thing we can do is to make ourselves peaceful. We do what we can to upgrade ourselves.....

We have no extra energies to tell others but we need to focus ourselves.

Life is short but precious. Don't critical other race, religion, ideology etc. Don't have the mindset that only we are right, others all wrong. Instead we must respect all races, religions, ideologies.....

All human are not perfect. Even if you think you are perfect but not all will agree because human beings are full of hatred, greed and stupidity and we must change ourselves to be better, the positive energies or frequencies will flow out the whole world.

More positive frequencies need to send out to the whole world to dilute negative energies.

Whatever we do, there will be the outcome good or bad and time will come, this is the natural law.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Think objectively

 In life, many people can't act independenly while facing strong partner.

Internationally, weak countries also behave the same, they are manipulated by strongest country.

Even that strongest country telling lies, smearing, these weak countries just follow their instructions. This is the cruel fact.

But there is the price.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Human wisdom 7

 There is no eternal night in the world, and there is no eternal winter in the world.

Learning must be like a bee, plucking many flowers in order to produce honey.

Successful people are always willing to do things that unsuccessful people are not willing to do.

The hardworking bee never has time to mourn.

 Luck is a chance that happens to hit your efforts.

 Gain calmness, lose calmness, go with the flow, and fight for the inevitability.

 Life can't be deceived. A person has to live upright.

 Life is like a play, and playing your own role is the key to the success of the play.

Don't try to add time to your life, but give life to your time.

Human wisdom 6

Facing difficulties, pessimists often only see the negative side of things.

 Don't always feel that you are miserable. There are more people in the world who suffer than us.

 With a selfless love, you have everything.

 Behind every hard work, there must be a double reward.

Others will always be right, and I will always be wrong. This way, there is no trouble.

The one who suffers is always oneself, remember that suffering is the blessing.

Those who sow with tears can certainly harvest with a smile.

The value of a person is determined by oneself.

The name of the bystander will never climb on the scoreboard of the game.

 Anyone can give up, don't give up yourself.

Sometimes, trash is just a misplaced talent.

Human wisdom 5

People always cherish what they haven't got, and forget what they have.
 I would rather regret it after doing it than regret it if it was missed.
 Fate is responsible for shuffling the cards, but it is ourselves who play the cards.
 Hold the best hope and prepare for the worst for your best efforts.
The biggest mistake in life is constantly worrying about making mistakes.
 There is no such thing as failure unless you stop trying.
Life is only inevitable, there is no accident.

Human wisdom 4

 I just read an article, I quote : "  

How to avoid assumptions?

It’s impossible to avoid assumptions. But one can try.
  • Check first whether it’s true or false
  • Question more
  • communicate properly
  • Stop controlling your life (false beliefs)
  • Being mindful- in other words, realise that it’s only an assumption and not to jump to conclusions ." 
  • Regarding Xinjiang, I think genocide is based on assumption and political ideologies. If not evidence, it is smearing.

Human wisdom 3

 The establishment of life's great deeds is not in knowing, but in being able to do it.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Human wisdom 2

 Looking for hope from despair, life will be glorious in the end.

Human wisdom 人生智慧

Wednesday, July 7, 2021



记得七十年代,中国人民很苦,华侨送衣服给中国的家乡.一九七八年邓小平访问新加坡之后,大力改革发展,人民温饱慢慢解决.一九八九年,一批学生太急了,也要学西方示威,局势一发不可收拾,背后有一股局外人势力再推动,当然是不怀好意.邓小平成功把局势控制下来.. 当然一改革开放的副作用就是如此.



Saturday, June 26, 2021

Our destinies all made by ourselves

 World population is about 70 over billions and each individual has different destiny.

According to Buddha teaching, all human beings ' destinies all made by own selves.  So we don't blame others but because of our hearts.

If you poor because you are very stingy probably in the previous life. If you are rich probably because you helped people financially in the past life.

If you get killed probably due to you had killed people in the past life.

Because we are not Buddha so we don't know all these. But Buddha the enlightened one who had given the teachings 2500 years ago.

Our life can change for the better if we follow the teaching.

Basically, Buddha wanted us to live the happy lives, and we have to get rid of greed, hatred and stupidity.

Because of greed, hatred , we all attached to it and not awaken and have to go through recarnation again and again.

Buddha teaching is suitable for all human. In flat it is not the religion. It is the human education.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Covic 19 vaccination

 Yesterday I just vaccinated . Before that I made an appointment. On appointment day, I went to designated site.

After registration, nurse asked some questions like any fever, sickness, medication, etc. I said no.

Then the nurse gave me a dose of vaccine. After that proceeding to the hall for 30 minutes observation.

After 30 minutes, found no side effects. And they gave me some masks, sanitizer.

Then I went home..

Saturday, June 19, 2021

NTUC e voucher so easy to use

 As a NTUC member, this was the first time I using e voucher worth 30 dollars given by NTUC as the small appreciation.

Yesterday 18.06.2021 morning I received the message , it said the e voucher expire on 18.6.2021. so I had to act fast.

I was thinking what to buy? Yes, I could buy underwear. I chose A brand 13.9 dollars, B Brand 15.9dollars, total 29.8 dollars. Just nice 30dollars could cover the total costs.

How to use it, the cashier just scan the QR code given by NTUC, I purchased it withiwith this e voucher instantly. This was the first experience.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Pure mind

 In order to live peacefully in this wicked world. As an individual, we need to have the following.

1. Sincerity: It means doing anything , you must truthful to yourself and others.

2. Pure mind : mind must be pure, free from all types of greed, hatred and stupid acts.

3. Equality: To all , treat them with true equality, even treat all other living things well.

4. Awaken : must know whatever you do, there is the good and bad outcome.

5. Kind : kind to all living things.

6. See through : the nature of universe .

7. Let go all unnecessary things.

8.freedom of yourself. Without a dot of fear.

9 get along with nature , human.

10. Recite pure mind, recite Namoamituofo to have focused mind, free from all other attachment.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Free of hatred

 Do you have hatred? In America, almost all have hatred, so none of them are awaken. Why? All American are systematically brainwashed by medias, politicians to anti China. When you anti China, it mean you have hatred. Having hatred, how can you enlightened? An enlightened person is the one who has no hatred at all.

How to leave this world peacefully

 Life is precious. If you want to leave this world peacefully. Then you must ready serious of what you did. The key point is not to hurt others like killing , smearing and anything simply of selfishness and hostility.

Don't follow those bad politicians, those morally corrupt one.

But it is up to you. If you want to leave this world peacefully, do good deeds. Heaven will know all your actions.

So, you decide.

Monday, May 17, 2021

The secret of happiness

 In this confused world, it is not easy to live peacefully daily. So many disasters, pandemics, conflicts, etc.

For me, I want to live longer, what should I do? My eyes can't see anyhow to reduce something horrible into my brain. Because all things we see will enter into my brain and it will create " troubles" for me. I should not write, talk anyhow, it will reflect my mentality. If my mentality is positive , then it is ok. But if my mentality is negative, then My words will affect others badly. So now, I try not to write anyhow. I must relax, it is important for me now.

I must cautious in whatever I do, try to do all good deeds.

My secret actually is reciting Namoamituofo.



Wednesday, May 5, 2021



Tuesday, May 4, 2021








  • 一句佛号(南无阿弥陀佛!),能消灭八十亿劫生死重罪(这是过去的)。
  • 一句佛号(南无阿弥陀佛!),能息除人生烦恼,消灾延寿得福慧(这是现在的)。
  • 一句佛号(南无阿弥陀佛!),能跳出六道轮回,往生极乐世界,永远长生不灭(这是将来的)。

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Clearing rubbishes

 Yes , We need to clear rubbishes as often as possible, on streets, home, shopping centres, etc. We all feel comfortable and easy if the places are clean and tidy.

The most important is to clear our rubbishes inside our mind.

Our brain keep absorbing all kinds of rubbishes. With so many rubbishes, we will become rubbish men.

Time to clear these rubbishes now.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Help each others

 We human must help each others. No more fighting regardless of different ideologies. Discarding hostility is good for whole world.

Due to India rapid covic19 development, China had already sent many oxygen respiratory equipments to China.

Help each others.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Harmony needed

 From young, you were fed with something, you likely to be influenced. And you will believe it and quite difficult to change that concept. 

All these thoughts, if handle not properly, it can affect your whole life.

For example, if you believe an particular religion from very young age. Then your mindset will be " my one is right, the other all wrong. This thought is fixed by your own thought.

So, the problems arise , your belief and his belief might not be the same. There is no ending debate and conclusion.

We know all human are not the same, so we need to respect I right?

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Self confidence

 China president xi said now China people can walk head up. Those who born after 1970, 1980, 1990 , 2000 all will be able to head up.

China people are now more self confidence.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Wearing mask is good for you

 USA some people are ready crooked, they want freedom and don't mind die. What type of mindset? Very horrible mindset, no wonder 550000 lives lost.On March 6, local time, a protest against the mask order occurred in Idaho, the United States. More than a hundred people gathered outside the state capitol to burn masks.According to a video released by local media in Idaho, a trash can was lit by the public, and many parents are encouraging children to burn masks. People who participated in the protests also hung signs outside the State Capitol that read "Burn Masks" and "Free Idaho".  At the scene, demonstrators were holding assault rifles and threw photos of the president with mocking words into the fire.Although the governor of Idaho has never issued a statewide mandatory mask order, some local governments in the state still require residents in their jurisdiction to wear masks to slow the spread of the new crown virus.  This has caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the people, who believe that the mask order restricts personal freedom.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Greed hatred stupidity

 Recently I write some posts, and now I find I am wasting my precious time. Look at this world, people are full of greed hatred and stupidity. The more I write the more I stupid.

So now I stop writing for a month. Ha ha ha. I don't want to absorb all nonsense. If not I will be the person who also speak nonsense.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Please wear masks

 Please wear masks. I see USA some very stubborn guys resisting wearing masks. They want " Freedom' this is ready crooked mindset.The governor of Texas, Abbott, announced on the 2nd that the state will fully resume work on March 10 and revoke the "mask order" and restaurant traffic restrictions and other epidemic prevention orders.  Mississippi Governor Reeves also announced the cancellation of the mask injunction on the 2nd.  Warrensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said, "I know people are tired, they want to return to life, to return to normal, but we are not there yet."

So, We might not fooled by some stupid politicians. They thought God loves white only. They thought they are Superior but in flat, God treats all fairly. If you don't care then the outcome is 500000000 lives lost. But seems like USA people are damn stupid.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021







Monday, February 15, 2021





Sunday, February 14, 2021






 阿弥陀佛 人生真的是無常,隨时随地面臨死亡,黃泉路上真的是无老少...就像那天刚年初二而已,新加坡丹絨巴格就传来非常严重的车祸,五个年青人当场死亡,那輛BMW.被燒到一片烂铁!什么BMW?假的!他们从26到29岁而已,而另外一位要救她的未婚夫(不在车內)也燒伤百分之八十.


Wednesday, February 10, 2021




Saturday, February 6, 2021


 因果报应是真实的. 干好事,会得好报. 干坏事会得恶报.有时快报,有时慢报.因缘到时就报......

Friday, February 5, 2021

Covic 19 and money and life

 Covic 19 ready powerful. This virus doesn't care whether you are white, yellow , black or rich or poor. Once you get, you can easily go to other world.

Money is useless at all. But life matters. Please take care. Do do deeds if you still alive.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


今天是二千二零年七月二十日, 人生已经过了三分之二,很快就要离开这个人间.
1. 现在还在工作,要开开心心面对一切,好的坏的都要尽力去面对,用祥和的心.
2. 不要乱讲话,不要去邪网站.自己要保重.
3. 准备好好的往生.

Friday, January 8, 2021

Smiling is good

 I long time never smile. Today I have to smile. Smiling is good for us. It is free.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020




Tuesday, December 22, 2020


 After some encounters recently, I realize life is so precious and I need to wake up now. Now I have to recite Amituofo until my last day on this Earth.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Covic 19 virus

 During this period, please stop doing bad things, if not you might get covic 19 virus and leave this world.

Recite amitaba or Amituofo. Great.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

We need to live happily

Life is short, the most is about 100 years.
Human bound to have done something wrong in they eyes of others.
Blaming others is easy, but blaming ourselves is ready necessary.
I see the world full of chaos especially now.
I just maintain my internal peace, that's it.
Life is short. Why continue to have all types of illusions, anger.
Let's smile ha ha ha.
Take it easy.

Saturday, July 13, 2019



Thursday, July 11, 2019

Peaceful mind

Life is ready short and now I realize the which one is important and not.
Now, I using the formula to examine.
Eyes,hearing, taste,mind: What we see/hear/taste things and it will affect our mindset. For example,I read news about trade war, Huawei saga and Hong Kong protests and my mind will have the opinions. My opinions can be different from others due to individual experience and background. From that it creates like and dislikes. Our emotions can be happy,sad,agitated,etc. This is ready bad because it creates greed,hatred and stupidity.
Realizing this, I don't want to be attached to all these, I want peaceful mind,this is my freedom of choice. I don't want to be in this daily confusion. So, I have deleted my recent blog posts about current affairs related to China,USA,Hong Kong.
After deleting it,I feel so nice,all my rubbishes cleared and I can focus beautiful things.
Life is ready good,it is up to individual. Actually my good friend told me to do something good and don't bother all these worldly conflict.
I take the advice and I think it is good to stop writing all these rubbishes.

Monday, July 8, 2019



Wednesday, April 24, 2019



Wednesday, March 13, 2019




Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Thursday, February 8, 2018



Thursday, February 1, 2018

Thursday, January 25, 2018



Sunday, November 12, 2017



Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Keep cool

Lim said :" yesterday I was so angry because of one of the colleagues challenging me. As the security supervisor I felt humiliated and I also burst out at that moment.
This colleague is ready the trouble maker. Early morning , this colleague I called him Mr. Hot. He said day shift Mr. O not coming to work according to information from his good friend Mr. A. I acknowledged it.
Later Mr. Hot told me to tell the day shift lady Mr. S to take over him. That's ok.
At about 7.10 am, this trouble maker Mr. Hot asked me who going to replace Mr. O. I told him so far I never receive any message from Mr. O officially, normally he will message manager , he will only message me if the manager never responded. After I said this, this Mr. Hot said : " As the supervisor you should know who is coming to replace him."
At that moment my mind thinking this idiot Mr. Hot tried to tell me what to do, I became agitated.
At 0715am, I received message drom Mr. O " who is coming?.I asjed him if you called manager, he said :" Yes, no response.| I was thinking this : In the first place you never message me, then later the message was who was coming. I also not bother to answer him but I messaged Manager that who was coming to replace  him. In flat one officer already reported to site, Manager said : no man, going to find."
At 0730 am, one technician came down and he said Mr. Hot made so much noise at the counter, what happened. At that time the day shift supervisor ( Mr. hot's good friend ) also entered. I said that fellow made so much noise because Mr. O only messaged me at 0715am, how i know who is coming? this Mr. Hot so hot and of course I can not keep quiet and I also become hot.|Fucking idiot.|    
At 0740 am I about to go home and I saw Mr. Hot. I said| : just down u make me blood circulation, bery good. He said : I will fuck.| At that time I said I had already informed lady officer to take over you and already messaged manager who was coming, what u want some more? u see me easily been eaten ? I saw his reaction like to to fight and quickly go home. Luckily one officer at the scene, if not something might be happened.
At 0745 am , i passed by counter and I asked lady officer did you take over him on tine, she said yes. I told her just down he made so much noise about  taking duty issue and Mr. O absence issue. The lady feedback to me that I never helped photostat some forms and she told him it is not my fault because the new card prevent me to access to the copy function.
After hearing this I called manager about all these I said to him that I will fuck Mr. Hot from now onwards just to let you know.

Sunday, June 4, 2017



Thursday, June 1, 2017



Friday, May 26, 2017



Wednesday, May 17, 2017


=========感恩 Nancy O Nancy 分享== 阿弥陀佛 ====
好! 好 !好!
== Nancy O Nancy 分享:
我們愛自己,愛壹切。個人(Nancy O Nancy) 體悟,僅供慘考 (感恩 Nancy O Nancy 分享)

Friday, May 12, 2017

