My friends, how are you today? I believe that you are fine and breathing the oxygen smoothly. You are now staying here-coolingstar9's garden to view my new tree, hope you like it. 
Today, I am going to imagine how some parents' great pain. I hope all of you can spend just few minutes to think what went wrong.
This is my imagination.
Imagine If I have a young kid or baby, what is my expectation of him or her? First of all, I want him to be healthy and it is my duty to educate him well. I want to instill some good values to him so as he has the foundation to face the new challenges in future.
I will give him more love. If I have more money, I will buy some branded milk for him, so that he can grow up faster and stronger.
But now, my hope is shattered, he has " stones " in his kidney. I am worried for his life because some babies had already died for drinking branded milk with poison.
Who add poison? Why they want to put poison? Something wrong on quality control?
I continue worry for him. Can he continue his life journey longer?
My imagination is over.

Today, I am going to imagine how some parents' great pain. I hope all of you can spend just few minutes to think what went wrong.
This is my imagination.
Imagine If I have a young kid or baby, what is my expectation of him or her? First of all, I want him to be healthy and it is my duty to educate him well. I want to instill some good values to him so as he has the foundation to face the new challenges in future.
I will give him more love. If I have more money, I will buy some branded milk for him, so that he can grow up faster and stronger.
But now, my hope is shattered, he has " stones " in his kidney. I am worried for his life because some babies had already died for drinking branded milk with poison.
Who add poison? Why they want to put poison? Something wrong on quality control?
I continue worry for him. Can he continue his life journey longer?
My imagination is over.
I really sorry to read about this milk disaster in China. This is plainly an irresponsible act!
I feel sorry for the parents, those babies. China keeps ruin their own reputation, they never learnt. It is sad that this irresponsible act from those mature adults is hurting those innocent babies. Hope those babies recover soon and no more baby is hurt.
it is a global problem too... since these products are being exported worldwide... also here in the philippines... good thing it was discovered as early as now... but still, we can't afford to be happy since a lot of babies are now being affected with the so-called milk-disaster!
dont worry coolingstar... we will never stop here.... we will still continue to hope and look for the best ahead of us! take care always! have a spirit-filled weekend!
i felt pity for the victims....many dairy products from china was now banned in almost many countries also here in Philippines i hope this would be fixed as soon
have a great day coolingstar
Like you, I really feel sad about this milk disaster.
The positive news is that the government is willing to do whatever they can to resolve the issue.
Happy blogging, bluecrystaldude.
I fully understand you sadness.
This is the big lesson for the whole world inclding every nation.
Wish you healthy and happy.
Our Love Story,
Yes, it is a global problem too.
I believe the whole world has already learned the great lesson-Health can not be compromised.
Have a nice weekend.
Wow, the impact is so huge inclding almost every countries also in Philippines.
Quality control must be done properly.
have a great day.
This is so sad, Many I know are going back to the old ways of raising and processing their own food even though it takes so much time.
My prayers are with the parents.
i agree that this is not good for the parents... people have to do beyond money (profits).
No, health can never be compromised.
But these days there are many "cheap" replacements of good quality products.
Almost every day we hear scandals about people and animals becoming sick from food coloring, flavorings, and other odd ingredients that should never be accepted in food products and on top of that "poison"!
I am VERY cautious and only buy the very best food, beverages and health supplements that I am absolutely 100% certain are pure. Yes, it is more expensive, but if money is an issue its better to be without compliances, toys and electrical gadgets etc and stay healthy so you can live long and with a better chance of being without illness. Especially when it concerns children.They need healthy parents too!
As a mother, this issue about Chinese milk and milk products scares me. You try your best to give your child a healthy life and to protect them from harm. And irresponsible people will just destroy their lives by putting poison in their products. Of all products why the milk and the toys? those products are directly for kids. sigh.. i hope it will stop soon..or now.
Take care..
hi coolingstar... i'll be out for a while to prepare for my brother's wedding on saturday! i'll miss you! take care always : )
This really sucks. How they can do this to babies
I understand your feeling like what you say " This is so sad, Many I know are going back to the old ways of raising and processing their own food even though it takes so much time."
Do not worry, the government is now doing its best to restore the confidence.
Take care always.
So happy to see you here again, I believe you are doing well all these days.
What you say is true that people have to do beyond money (profits).
We should have " moral values " while doing business of all kind. We should not always think of making a lot of profits and forget other things like health, care,love to others etc.
Take care always.
Sea Coral,
Warmly welcome you to coolingstar9"s garden.
Your points are valuable.
1. Health can never be compromised.
2. There are many "cheap" replacements of good quality products.
3. people and animals becoming sick from food coloring, flavorings, and other odd ingredients that should never be accepted in food products and on top of that "poison"!
4. You are cautious and only buy the very best food, beverages and health supplements that you are absolutely 100% certain are pure.
Let's play a part to produce healthy food for human. We have no right to cut short people's life.
Take good care.
I fully understand your worries.
As a mother,You try your best to give your child a healthy life and to protect them from harm.
Because of irresponsible people will just destroy many lives by putting poison in their products.
Your worries are: Of all products why the milk and the toys? those products are directly for kids.
I think they must change their mindset from bad to good. If they have installed " good software ", I believe all people can be worry-free.
Take care always.
Our Love Story,
Wow, I understand that you are ready busy because you need to prepare for your brother's wedding on saturday!
I sincerely wish your brother has a happy marriage for ever.
Jen, please always take good care, I miss you also.
hi there coolingstar... ahehe, i just took a little of my time to visit you here! well, am leaving tomorrow for a travel going to our province where the wedding will be held! thank you for wishing luck to my brother! take care also! be right back soon! cheers! : )
I can't imagine why they would put poison in baby's milk. Why is this stuff happening in China? Do they have to cut corners so much that they would use poison to make more money? As I understand this they added the poison because the milk was diluted and would not pass inspection but with the poison it would pass inspection so they would make more money on the milk. It is so sad that anyone would do this just to make more money. Really sad!
Love and Blessings,
our love story,
Wish you have a happy journey, best wishes from coolingstar9
I understand your feeling.
It is time to make it right.
Love and Blessings,
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