Sunday, August 1, 2021

Human and world peace

 Now year 2021, the world still not peaceful. It looks like the world still in conflict.

Conflicts on race, nation, ideology, religion, etc. The only thing we can do is to make ourselves peaceful. We do what we can to upgrade ourselves.....

We have no extra energies to tell others but we need to focus ourselves.

Life is short but precious. Don't critical other race, religion, ideology etc. Don't have the mindset that only we are right, others all wrong. Instead we must respect all races, religions, ideologies.....

All human are not perfect. Even if you think you are perfect but not all will agree because human beings are full of hatred, greed and stupidity and we must change ourselves to be better, the positive energies or frequencies will flow out the whole world.

More positive frequencies need to send out to the whole world to dilute negative energies.

Whatever we do, there will be the outcome good or bad and time will come, this is the natural law.

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