Monday, December 6, 2010

Sanzi Jing

Let's study Sanzi Jing part two and see what we can learn something good.
凡訓蒙 須講究 詳訓詁 名句讀-Teach kids properly.
When teaching the ignorant,there should be explanation and investigation.Carefully teach the old [texts],clearly identify sentence and paragraphs. Old Chinese text (as recent as those written in the early 1900s) did not bother with any form of punctuation so properly parsing out the sentences and paragraphs was difficult.
為學者 必有初 小學終 至四書-Step by step learning from basic to advanced learning.
Those who would learn, must have a beginning. The basic schooling finished,they go on to the Four Books.
論語者 二十篇 群弟子 記善言-Learning the wise sayings.
There is The Analects,in twenty chapters. In this, the various disciples have recorded the wise sayings [of Confucius]The Analects are a compilation of sayings and teachings of Confucius (551-479 BCE).
孟子者 七篇止 講道德 說仁義-Learn abut virtue.
The works of Mencius,in seven chapters. speak of the road to virtue,talk about benevolence and righteousness. Mencius is a compilation of anecdotes by Mencius (371-289 BCE). He was a fourth-generation Confucian scholar and second only to Confucius in stature in the eyes of Confucianists.
作中庸 乃孔伋 中不偏 庸不易-Learn about the living.
The Doctrine (Way) of the Mean,by the pen of Kong Ji; the mean does not slant to one side, the way does not change.Kong Ji (also called Zi Si) was a grandson of Confucius. Discusses the importance of living according to the Tao.
作大學 乃曾子 自修齊 至平治-Learn about Self development.
He who wrote The Great Learning was the philosopher Zeng, [its teachings] ranging from developing as an individual to governing in peace.
孝經通 四書熟 如六經 始可讀-Learn about filial piety.
The "Classic of Filial Piety" mastered, and the "Four books" done,the "Six Classics",
can be started. Filial piety was the underpinning for Confucian society. Every person was expected to behave according to their position in the family and society. Failure to do so would result in chaos.
詩書易 禮春秋 號六經 當講求-Learn how to analyse.
The Book of Poetry, the Book of Documents, the Book of Changes, the Rites of the Zhou, the Book of Rites, and the Spring and Autumn Annals are the Six Classics
which should be explained and analyzed.
有連山 有歸藏 有周易 三易詳-Learn about history.
There is the Lian Shan,there is the Gui Cang there is the Duke of Zhou,such are the three systems which elucidate the Book of Changes.The Book of Changes (or I Ching) is an ancient classic of Mysticism written in the 8-10th century BCE.
有典謨 有訓誥 有誓命 書之奧-Learn about history.
There are standards,there are instructions, mandates,there are oaths, orders,
such are the mysteries explained in the Book of Documents.The Book of Documents (History) records events reaching back to the time of the Yellow Emperor through the Xia and Shang dynasties.
我周公 作周禮 著六官 存治體-Learn about the culture.
Our Duke of Zhou,wrote the Rites of the Zhou,in which he established the six classes of officials thus giving form to the government.The six classes were: Heavenly Ministry (Prime Minister), Earthly Ministry (Public Affairs), Spring Ministry (Rites), Summer Ministry (Military), Autumn Ministry (Penal), Winter Ministry (Public Works).
大小戴 注禮記 述聖言 禮樂備-Learn about rites.
The Elder and the Younger Dai, wrote commentaries on the Book of Rites.
They published the sages' words,and set in order ceremonies and music.
曰國風 曰雅頌 號四詩 當諷詠-Learn poetry.
We speak of the Airs of the States (Guo Feng), we speak of the Minor and Major Odes (Ya) and the Songs. These are the four sections of the Book of Poetry,which should be chanted over and over.The Book of Poetry (Songs, Odes) contains approximately 300 songs and poems.
詩既亡 春秋作 寓褒貶 別善惡-Learn valuable books.
When the age of the Book of Poetry ended,the Spring and Autumn Annals were produced.
These Annals contain praise and blame, and distinguish the good from the bad. The Annals recorded events in the state of Lu, one of several that comprised China as the Zhou dynasty disintegrated.
三傳者 有公羊 有左氏 有彀梁-Learn valuable books.
The Three Commentaries: there is that of Gong Yang,there is that of Zuo
there is that of Gou Liang. Commentaries on the Annals.
經既明 方讀子 撮其要 記其事-Learn something good from the ancient books.
When the classics are clear, read the philosophers.Pick out the essentials,
and remember their facts.
五子者 有荀楊 文中子 及老莊-Learn about famous philosophers.
The five philosophers:there is Xun, Yang,
Wen Zhongzi Lao Zi (Lao Tzu), and Zhuang Zi (Chuang Tzu).Lao Tzu (5th century BCE) wrote the Tao Te Ching.Chuang Tzu (4th century BCE) wrote the Chuang Tzu.
-------end of part two of Sanzi Jing----------------------------------------------
I think if we want to learn about China culture. This Sanzi Jing can provide us lots of tips.
This is the first time I ready go through Sanzi Jing. At least I know something new.
What is your view about the part two of Sanzi Jing.
If you have view, please contribute. If you do not have any view, it dose not matter at all because this is my journey of self study, hee hee hee.
Life is just simply wonderful because I can learn daily.

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