Friday, June 20, 2008

Global mindset

I am happy to see so many races here, all people can live peacefully. We respect each others and work hard to contribute something to the society and country.
Although here has no natural resources but only has " Human resources "
The government has invested a lot on education so as we have the capability and skills to survive in this competitive global world. We have to go globally, constantly look out new opportunity in business, etc. From the media, I learn that many countries from middle east, Asia, Europe even Africa welcome us for investments, consultancies, etc.
Similarly, many foreigners come here to work as Doctors, Engineers, Teachers, Maids and so on. For me, I welcome them warmly because we are all the same-Human being, am I right?


Our Love Story said...

well..people needs people... it's good that nowadays, the issue on racism begins to decline unlike in the old days... many countries are now being open to other countries... a lot of immigration programs are being offered now and it's good because it doesn't only offer better opportunites and improve lives but it also creates unity and harmony among all nations! thanks coolingstar and take care!

lusia said...

Hi friend,thank you for comment.i came to your site and read some of your is very useful for everyone.i am eager to read your new post because i am so interested in your post.thank very much again.

coolingstar9 said...

Our Love Story,
Yes, the mindset have been changed due to new situation. The issue on racism begins to decline and many countries are now being open to other countries.
lots of immigration programs are being offered now and it's good because it doesn't only offer better opportunites and improve lives.
It also creates unity and harmony among all nations.
Through more interaction and co-operation, world peace can be acheived.
Jen, have a peaceful life.

coolingstar9 said...

Hi friend,thank you for your valuable comment.You came to my site and read some of my post. You find that the thougts on this site are very useful for everyone. I feel pampered indeed.
Hopefulday I can bring some joy to you.
Again, You are eager to read my new post because you are so interested in my post, thank you very much V J.
This is indeed a nutrient given to coolingstar9, I will do my best.
Have a fulfilling life, VJ.
Best wishes from coolingstar9

admin said...

hi there, nice to see you again!
education? indeed is the most essential part & playing an important role in humans' life, it's not only formal education, but i think informal education is also important too...without good education, it's hard to achieve good life skills;

nowadays, it's becoming a global world...just like john naisbitt predicition in early 90's, it's a big village:)

coolingstar9 said...

Great to see you again!
You know exactly how important education can affect human life.
It is true that education indeed is the most essential part and playing an important role in humans' life, either formal education or informal education.
without good education, it's hard to achieve good life skills in this global world.
Thanks for sharing, hope every country can invest heavily on education not only developing right character but also good life skills so as people can adapt to this speedy world.
Have a wonderful life, felinesopher.
Best wishes from coolingstar9

eastcoastlife said...

Hi coolingstar,
Thanks for stopping by my blog.

I'm a Singaporean and I warmly welcome foreigners to invest and work here, but if they have ulterior motives .... spread rumours and lies about our country and take us for suckers, I won't hesitate to kick them out. :)

coolingstar9 said...

Hi eastcoastlife, warmly welcome you here.
You warmly welcome foreigners to invest and work here, but not those who come here to do " bad things "
I fully understand it. It is good to project good image while working or staying in any corner in the world.
Coolingstar9 wish you healthy and happy.

Anonymous said...

I love diversity! Having a homogenous society is too boring for me! I'm glad you hold the same view as me^^

E-Tavasi said...

Yes you a right coolingstar9, there are all human being.. i like to see variety races and culture in my place..that live peacefully..


bluedreamer27 said...

great education must be prioritize by our government but sadly most of th funds of our government are to spend for military expences
have agreat day coolingstar

Nisha said...

Hi coolingstar.. can i come to work in your country?? :)

You have out up a very thoughtful post, my friend:)

I hope you touch the skies one day:)

bluecrystaldude said...

Hi coolingstar,

Are you from Singapore? Yeah, in my country too, we have so many foreign workers came to work here whether it is a field work or just in the office.And many of our own citizens too went to other country to work. Jobs opportunities are everywhere, it only matter whether you want to seek it or not.

For the local citizen, we should all welcome them. The present of these workers will definitely colored our culture and daily life.

Have a great day,

Hazel said...

ya, u r right in this view. i agree

coolingstar9 said...

speak in doodles.
Thats great, you love diversity! Having a homogenous society is too boring for you!
Hope you enjoying it.
Have a wonderful life.

coolingstar9 said...

You like to see different races and culture in your place and live peacefully with them.
Thats good mindset.
