Saturday, September 7, 2024

Trump and Kamala USA Presidential election

 Trump comes back, Joe Biden withdrawal and now Kamala fights against Trump.

Kamala can win, Trump will lose.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023



 梦想是什么? 我只会在它 100% 成真时告诉你。



 这些人一路帮助我,但实际上他们不确定我到底做了什么。 他们很快就会知道。

 我需要感谢家人。 二弟、三弟、四弟、六姐。




Tuesday, November 29, 2022

White paper revolution ended

 It is sad that China xinjianga fire accident occured recently and 10 residents died. It is understandable that fellow citizens mourning for them in Shanghai area. Their mourning were sincere and came out from their bottom of heart. Their motives were good.

But some others who came there having other types of motives.

1. They find opportunities to attack government.

2. They gave money to citizens to join to make the crowd bigger and bigger.

3. After that, they publish the news to worldwide to make it the head line news.

4. When the crowd become bigger and bigger, it will become social unrest. That’s what USA like to see and it can fullfil their hostile agenda.

5. After that, western will use this incident to propagate it months and months and years and years.

6. Later, they will bring up to united nations to gather all usa slaved nations to make it international issues with the pretext of democracy and freedom. It is happening so fast, it shown that united nations is just the puppet for USA.

7. China already ended the white paper revolution. Those arrested will be questioned so the whole picture will be exposed.

8 another good lesson for China government. Dangerous moments will be occured anytime.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Xi Jing Ping and Joe Biden meeting at Bali

 On the afternoon of November 14 local time, President Xi Jinping held a meeting with US President Joe Biden in Bali, Indonesia.  The two heads of state had a candid and in-depth exchange of views on strategic issues in China-US relations as well as major global and regional issues.

 Xi Jinping pointed out that the current situation facing China-US relations is not in line with the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples, nor is it in line with the expectations of the international community.  China and the United States need to adopt an attitude of being responsible to history, the world, and the people, discuss the way for the two countries to get along with each other correctly in the new era, find the right direction for the development of bilateral relations, and push China-US relations back to the track of healthy and stable development, which will benefit both countries.  country, benefiting the world.

 Xi Jinping introduced the main situation and important achievements of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and pointed out that the internal and external policies of the Chinese Communist Party and the government are open and transparent, their strategic intentions are clear, and they maintain a high degree of continuity and stability.  We comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, continue to take the realization of the people's yearning for a better life as the starting point, unswervingly carry out reform and opening up, and promote the construction of an open world economy.  China continues to firmly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace, always decides its position and attitude based on the merits of the matter itself, advocates dialogue and consultation, peaceful settlement of disputes, deepens and expands global partnerships, and safeguards the international system with the United Nations at its core and international law  Based on the international order, promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.  China will adhere to peaceful development, open development, and win-win development, and will be a participant and promoter of global development to achieve common development with other countries.

 Xi Jinping pointed out that the world is at a major historical turning point. Countries need to face unprecedented challenges and seize unprecedented opportunities.  We should view and handle Sino-US relations from this perspective.  Sino-US relations should not be a zero-sum game in which you lose and I win, and you rise and fall. The success of China and the United States is an opportunity rather than a challenge for each other.  The vast earth fully accommodates the respective development and common prosperity of China and the United States.  The two sides should take a correct view of each other's internal and external policies and strategic intentions, and establish a tone of dialogue rather than confrontation, win-win rather than zero-sum exchanges.  I attach great importance to Mr. President's statement on "four nos and one unintentional".  China never seeks to change the existing international order, does not interfere in the internal affairs of the United States, and has no intention of challenging and replacing the United States.  The two sides should adhere to mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation, and jointly ensure that China-US relations move forward on the right course, without deviation, stall, or collision.  Complying with the basic norms governing international relations and the three Sino-US joint communiqués is the key for the two sides to manage and control conflicts and differences, and prevent confrontation and conflict. It is also the most important protection and safety net for Sino-US relations.

 Xi Jinping systematically expounded on the origin of the Taiwan issue and China's principled position.  Xi Jinping emphasized that the Taiwan issue is the core of China's core interests, the foundation of the political foundation of Sino-US relations, and the first insurmountable red line in Sino-US relations.  The resolution of the Taiwan issue is a matter for the Chinese themselves and is China's internal affair.  It is the common aspiration of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation to safeguard the unity and territorial integrity of the motherland.  Anyone who wants to separate Taiwan from China is against China's national justice, and the Chinese people will never agree!  We hope to see and remain committed to maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, but "Taiwan independence" is incompatible with peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.  It is hoped that the US will match its words with its deeds and abide by the one-China policy and the three Sino-US joint communiqués.  Mr. President has said many times that he does not support "Taiwan independence" and has no intention of using Taiwan as a tool to seek a competitive advantage over China or to contain China.  It is hoped that the US side will implement Mr. President's promise.

 Xi Jinping pointed out that freedom, democracy and human rights are the common pursuit of mankind and the consistent pursuit of the Communist Party of China.  The United States has American-style democracy, and China has Chinese-style democracy, both of which are in line with their respective national conditions.  We are also proud that the whole process of people's democracy in China is based on China's national conditions, history and culture, and reflects the will of the people.  It is impossible for any country's democratic system to be perfect, and it needs continuous development and improvement.  Specific differences between the two parties can be discussed, provided that they communicate on an equal footing.  The so-called "democracy against authority" is not a feature of today's world, let alone conform to the trend of the times.

 Xi Jinping pointed out that what the United States is pursuing is capitalism, and what China is pursuing is socialism, and the two sides are taking different paths.  This difference is not unique today, and will continue to exist in the future.  The leadership of the Communist Party of China and the endorsement and support of China's socialist system by the 1.4 billion people are the fundamental guarantee for China's development and stability.  One of the most important things for China and the United States to get along is to recognize and respect this difference, instead of imposing uniformity and trying to change or even subvert the other party's system.  The US side should reflect its commitments in concrete actions instead of saying one thing and doing another.

 Xi Jinping emphasized that China and the United States are two major countries with different histories, cultures, social systems, and development paths. There were differences and differences between the past and the present, and there will be differences in the future. However, this should not become an obstacle to the development of Sino-US relations.  There is competition in the world at any time, but competition should learn from each other, catch up with each other, and make progress together, rather than you lose and I win, and you die.  China has a glorious tradition of self-improvement, and all suppression and containment will only inspire the will and enthusiasm of the Chinese people.  Fighting trade wars and technology wars, artificially "building walls" and forcing "decoupling and breaking chains" completely violate the principles of market economy and disrupt international trade rules, which will only harm others and benefit oneself.  We oppose the politicization and weaponization of economic, trade, scientific and technological exchanges.  Under the current situation, the common interests of China and the United States are not reduced, but more.  No conflict, no confrontation, and peaceful coexistence between China and the United States are the most basic common interests of the two countries.  The economies of China and the United States are deeply integrated, facing new development tasks, and need to benefit from each other's development, which is also a common interest.  The post-epidemic recovery of the global economy, the response to climate change, and the resolution of regional hotspot issues are also inseparable from the coordination and cooperation between China and the United States. This is still a common interest.  Both parties should respect each other, benefit each other, focus on the overall situation, and provide a good atmosphere and stable relationship for cooperation between the two parties.

 Biden said that I have known President Xi Jinping for many years and have maintained regular communication, but in any case it cannot replace face-to-face meetings.  Congratulations on your re-election as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee.  As two major countries, the United States and China have the responsibility to maintain a constructive relationship.  The United States is committed to keeping the communication channels between the two heads of state and governments at all levels open, conducting candid dialogue on issues where the two sides disagree, and playing a key role in strengthening necessary cooperation to address important global challenges such as climate change and food security.  This is very important to the United States and China and their people, and it is also very important to the entire world.  I would like to reiterate that a stable and developing China is in the interests of the United States and the world.  The United States respects China's system, does not seek to change China's system, does not seek a new Cold War, does not seek to oppose China by strengthening allies, does not support "Taiwan independence", does not support "two Chinas" and "one China, one Taiwan", and has no intention of agreeing  China clashes.  The United States has no intention of seeking to "decouple" from China, has no intention of obstructing China's economic development, and has no intention of enclosing China.

 Biden said that how the US-China relationship develops is crucial to the future direction of the world.  The United States and China have a common responsibility to show the world that the United States and China can manage and control differences, and avoid and prevent misunderstandings and misjudgments or fierce competition from turning into confrontation or even conflict.  The U.S. agrees that the principles guiding U.S.-China relations should be established, and the teams of the two sides can continue the talks on the basis of the existing consensus and strive to reach an agreement as soon as possible.  The US government pursues the one-China policy, does not seek to use the Taiwan issue as a tool to contain China, and hopes to see peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.

 The two heads of state agreed that the diplomatic teams of the two sides will maintain strategic communication and carry out regular consultations.  It is agreed that the financial and financial teams of the two countries will carry out dialogue and coordination on macroeconomic policy, economic and trade issues and other issues.  Agreed to work together to promote the success of the twenty-seventh Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.  The two sides reached an agreement on conducting dialogue and cooperation on public health, agriculture and food security between the two countries.  Agree to make good use of the Sino-US Joint Working Group to promote the resolution of more specific issues.  Agree that people-to-people and cultural exchanges between China and the United States are very important, and encourage the expansion of personnel exchanges in various fields between the two countries.

 The two heads of state also exchanged views on issues such as the Ukraine crisis.  Xi Jinping pointed out that China is highly concerned about the current situation in Ukraine.  After the crisis broke out, I put forward the "four shoulds", and not long ago I put forward the "four commons".  Facing a global and complex crisis like the Ukrainian crisis, there are several points worthy of serious consideration: first, there are no winners in conflicts and wars; second, there is no simple solution to complex problems; third, confrontation between major powers must be avoided.  China has always stood on the side of peace, will continue to promote peace talks, supports and looks forward to the resumption of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, and hopes that the United States, NATO, and the European Union will conduct comprehensive dialogue with Russia.

 The two heads of state believed that the meeting was in-depth, candid and constructive, and instructed the working teams of the two countries to follow up and implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state in a timely manner, and take practical actions to push China-US relations back to the track of stable development.  The two heads of state agreed to continue to maintain regular contact.

 Ding Xuexiang, Wang Yi, He Lifeng and others attended the meeting.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Serious racial inequality in USA

 China Daily, August 29 (Dang Chaofeng) Bangladesh's "Dhaka Tribune" website wrote on the 28th that on August 28th, American civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. delivered an epoch-making speech "I have  A Dream" 59th Anniversary.  The speech evoked a sense of freedom in African Americans, and millions sent a message: All men are created equal.  Now, 59 years later, has Martin Luther King's dream of racial equality come true in America?  Has discrimination and hatred against minorities decreased?

 Just two months ago, on the afternoon of May 22, there was a shooting at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York, where 10 people were shot dead and three others were seriously injured.  The dead were all black, with only two exceptions.  The shooter, 18-year-old Peyton Gendelon, was described as a horrific act by the U.S. Justice Department as a hate crime fueled by serious racial hatred.

 Interestingly, many black Americans pointed to the role of the police in the arrest of Payton.  If a black man was caught committing such a crime, the police would shoot him on the spot.  But in Peyton's case, they persuaded him to surrender the weapon and politely took him into custody.

 Alleging that the U.S. police department discriminates against African-Americans is nothing new.  In 2020, the Black Lives Matter movement has risen like a raging flame.  George Floyd, a 46-year-old African-American man, was killed by a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, "kneeling" on the neck.  Chauvin's indifference and hatred of blacks cannot be overstated.  In 2021, Eric Garner, an African-American youth, was killed by a white policeman with his arm "choked". He shouted "I can't breathe" 11 times before he died.

 The U.S. police force their law enforcement primarily on black civilians, and these hate crimes stem from an unexplained deep-rooted contempt — half from a historical habit of enslaving black people, half reinvigorated by far-right political rhetoric.

 They think black skin is ugly, and for them, black people have all the dirty and rotten emotions in the world.  So much so that black people are not considered full human beings and therefore human rights do not apply to them.

 The perception that blacks are inherently criminals is one of the most common stereotypes.  Even after living in America for decades, they were outsiders.  White supremacists admit they fear being replaced by other ethnic groups living in the United States, especially African-Americans.

 Take the Buffalo shooting, for example.  If young boys like Payton are driven by hatred, this problematic sense of superiority and racial hatred must be instilled in them from an early age.  Children develop a culture of racial hatred from an age when they are not even exposed to institutional education.

 Hate crime statistics released by the FBI in 2020 show that states are overrepresented in hate crimes.  61.4% of hate crimes were based on ethnicity or race.  An analysis of these crime reports shows that the discrimination against African-Americans is appalling.

 Another report released by the FBI said that in early 2022, from January to mid-February, 57 historically black educational institutions and places of worship were bombed.

 Even after decades of struggle and movement, blacks are still more likely to be targets of hate crimes than any other group.

 Hateful political rhetoric also fuels the situation from time to time.  Former US President Donald Trump has publicly expressed his support for white supremacists on several occasions.  From calling them "my people" to asking congresswomen of color to go back home.  Political calls for further racial hatred are always fueling the fire.n   Have a Dream" speech, Martin Luther King dreamed of an America without hatred, where his four children would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the quality of their character  life in the country.  Now it seems that his dream has not come true.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

USA produce smearing experts

 The United States is keen to accuse other countries, especially China, of launching cyber attacks, which has a long-standing “tradition”. From January 2010 when Google withdrew from the Chinese mainland market under the pretext of so-called hacking, to February 2013 when Mandiant Network Security released the “Mandiant Report”, to July 2021, when the US government united with the UK and Australia Other countries accuse China of cyber-attacks on Microsoft Exchange, then in March 2022, after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict broke out, the US media accused China of attacking Russian entities, and then in June 2022, US cybersecurity agencies slandered “Chinese government-backed hackers” for using routers This clear and coherent trail can be seen in the intrusion of “major telecommunications companies” in the United States with related vulnerabilities in and other network equipment.

The reports and reports are rich in detail, but the evidence used is barren. In the past two years, US official and unofficial China-related allegations have mainly originated from two reports released by the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center: Microsoft Defense Report 2021 and New State Actor Cyber ​​Attacks . Take the previous report as an example. There are at least two flaws in the report. First, the report cleverly uses research design and research methods to set the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel, Germany and other countries as victims of cyber attacks, that is, it does not statistically report the cyber attacks of these countries against other countries, but lists Russia, North Korea, Iran and China are assumed to be the countries that initiated the cyber attack, and trace the origin along this geopolitical route. Based on this, the report concluded that Russia accounted for 58% of cyber attacks supported by state actors, North Korea accounted for 23%, Iran accounted for 11%, and China accounted for 8%.

Second, among the 8% of China-related accusations, the report believes that they are mainly related to the so-called “Hafnium” Microsoft Exchange attack, but the accusation is suspected of using China to absolve Microsoft and its information sharing system. Microsoft was aware of the vulnerability as early as January 5, 2021, but the company did not take any action to fix it for up to two months. During this period, the “Microsoft Active Protection Program” (MAPP) proactively shared information about the vulnerability with about 80 security companies around the world. Against this background, a cyber attack incident occurred. The first responsible person was Microsoft Corporation, and the second responsible person was these cyber security companies. Why was the Chinese government blamed?

The reason why the charges can be placed on the Chinese government is mainly related to the political needs of the United States and the operation of the media. The problem of traceability of cyberattacks is not only a technical issue and a hard power issue, but also a soft power issue of media power and international communication capability. Who is the attacker, who is the victim, who is the good guy and who is the bad guy depends not only on the ability to trace the source, but often on the information dissemination capabilities of various countries. Originally full of bias and prejudice, traceability evidence needs to be further screened, processed, strengthened, and filtered by politicians, think tanks, consulting companies, and news media according to their own ideological spectrum, interest group camp, profit model, and other factors. an even more absurd view.

Cyber ​​attack report publishers, think tanks, consulting companies, news media, politicians and other actors form a complete chain, openly producing false information, promoting “China’s cyber attack threat theory”, and finally inputting opinions into commercial media and social media. Social media platforms, drown out the voices of objective truth in this field. At the starting point of this clue, the first report will provide some plausible evidence in some cases, and it may even be a more objective report that is not malicious, but all the following links and nodes in the production line are It is possible to have contractors and suppliers. They never verify the authenticity of the first report and are only responsible for processing and promoting the content. After all, various “China threat theories” have become the key means for the United States to build a bipartisan consensus. , and there is a big difference between cyber attacks as an abstract issue and specific issues such as price increases. Abstract issues are more likely to be manipulated by politicians and the media than specific issues in most cases.

From this point of view, most actors in the United States do not care whether there is evidence of Chinese cyberattacks or whether the evidence is reliable, but only care whether they can extract the “Chinese cyberattack threat theory” from it. The allegation of cyber attack has nothing to do with the facts, but is mainly related to the selection of China as an imaginary enemy by the United States. U.S. Secretary of State Blinken clearly pointed out the real reason why the United States is targeting China at all times: “China is the only country that has both the intention to reshape the international order and the growing economic, diplomatic, military and technological power to do so.” Ten years ago, the Huawei/ZTE investigation report released by the US Congress described the reasons for the US sanctions on Chinese companies as follows: “China has the ability, opportunity and motivation to use telecommunications companies for malicious purposes.” Blinken’s words and the US Congress report One thing is completely similar: not to talk about evidence, but to talk about China’s motives inferred by the United States through subjective speculation.

After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in March 2022, a new variant of the US accusation against China emerged, embeds new geopolitical factors, and began to frame and accuse China of hacking Russian entities. Such allegations fit into a new feature of this year’s cybersecurity landscape: NATO’s massive use of hybrid warfare methods in actual combat. In the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Russia hopes to use traditional military means to curb NATO’s expansion, while NATO is unwilling to face Russia in the frontal battlefield, and chooses to use non-traditional hybrid warfare methods such as cyber warfare, public opinion warfare, and information warfare. to mobilize international public opinion, launch sanctions, and weaken Russia. Since the establishment of the “Hybrid CoE” (Hybrid CoE) in the name of defense in Helsinki in 2017 by NATO countries and EU countries, the concept of hybrid operations has been officially applied to actual combat, and “attack” and “diversion” have become visible struggles. As a means of framing China to attack Russian entities, it is in line with this new trend in warfare.

We then saw the current absurd landscape: it was originally the United States that was carrying out cyber attacks on the world, but it was distorted into China’s cyber attacks on other countries. It is against this background that Chinese cybersecurity companies rarely issue response reports to reveal the truth of transnational cyberattacks. In February 2022, Beijing Qi’an Pangu Laboratory Technology Co., Ltd. released a report, revealing the complete technical details of the U.S. Linux platform backdoor “Operation Telescreen” (Bvp47) and the association of the attacking organization, pointing out that the backdoor has violated 45 countries around the world. and region. In March 2022, 360 released the report “Prelude to Cyber ​​Warfare: The NSA (APT-C-40) Launched Indiscriminate Attacks on the World for More than a Decade”, which found that the United States has conducted large-scale, long-term and systematic Global and Chinese critical infrastructure for cyberattacks and infiltrations. In June 2022, the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center and 360 Company released special research reports respectively, disclosing the cyber attack weapon called “Sour Fox Platform” used by the National Security Agency. (The author is Xu Peixi, a professor at Communication University of China)

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Time to relax

 Life is short and full of challenges. Can we clear all obstacles all depend on each individual. Mindset is the critical factor and it affects us how to handle daily encounters.

Through personal learning and experiences, each individual has the fixed thoughts about the societies and the world.

What types of education and influence can shape our attitudes towards life journey.

I wish all people happy everyday, whatever bad happened in the past doesn't matter. Start from today, understanding and adjust our mindset towards positivity. Life is fair enough, don't blame others. In flat we all have to responsible for our actions. Cause and effect is natural law, nobody can escape this no matter what because all activities are all recorded naturally.

Wish everyone happy life, smile 😁😊

Wednesday, June 1, 2022





































Sunday, May 15, 2022

The purpose of buddhism

 Buddhist common sense

 Chinese Buddhism >Introduction to Buddhism > General Knowledge of Buddhism >

 What is Buddhism for?  The purpose of studying Buddhism

 2013-07-30 [Buddhism common sense]

 Why worship Buddha?  The correct posture of worshiping Buddha is always cranky, what should I do if I can't calm down?  Why do we need to worship Buddha in disaster relief?  The correct posture of worshiping Buddha is always cranky, what should I do if I can't calm down?


 What is Buddhism for?  The purpose of studying Buddhism

 To learn Buddhism, one must learn to become a Buddha. Only by freeing oneself from suffering can one help sentient beings to free themselves from suffering and save them.

 If we want to learn Buddhism, we must understand the meaning of the word "cultivation".  Learning Buddhism is learning from life and work, correcting our wrong thoughts and behaviors!  "Practice" means mistakes in thoughts, opinions, words, pretensions, and behaviors. Correcting the mistakes is "cultivation." Take the Buddhadharma as a mirror to look at yourself, and never look at others!  Save yourself!  When you find that you think wrongly, read wrongly, say wrongly, or do wrongly, you are enlightened.  After enlightenment, it is "cultivation" to correct mistakes.

 Let me tell you a little story: under a tree, lies a wolf.  At this time, a little squirrel happened to run over.  The wolf pounced at once and caught the little squirrel.  It said to the little squirrel: "Before eating you, please tell me why you are so happy and jumping up and down every day. My strength and other aspects are greater than yours, but why do I frown every day?  "

 The little squirrel said, "Let go of me first, and I can tell you."

 The wolf let go of the little squirrel, and the little squirrel quickly climbed to the branch and told the wolf, "Why are you unhappy? Because every day you think about how to harm others, how to catch others and make them all  Eat it. I don't have any of these bad intentions, so I'm very happy!"

 Of course, this is just a little fable in the world.  But we can also get a revelation from it: a practitioner, to be truly happy and free, must get it from our heart.  People in the world are pitiful because they haven't found a way to practice and don't know how to cultivate this heart.  Although we know the path of cultivation, we need to truly subdue our heart on this path, just like the picture of cattle herding painted by the ancients. To subdue the cow and ride it home, it really needs a process.

 Because we have greed. First, we practice "giving" in Buddhism, and giving is giving, and giving up greed; because we often do bad karma. Second, in Buddhism, we "hold the precepts" and break evil and turn to good; we have anger. Third, Buddhism  We cultivate "forbearance", and forbearance is the countermeasure against anger; 4. Cultivation of "diligence" to counteract one's laxity and laziness; 5. Cultivation of "meditation" to counteract one's distraction; 6. Cultivation of "prajna" to counteract  own stupidity.

 Buddhism gives us these six rules. If you can implement it in your life, in your work, and in dealing with people and things, you are practicing the way of the Bodhisattva.  What is the Bodhisattva Way?  In other words, you are living the life of a bodhisattva, not the life of a mortal.  Therefore, the Dharma can only be effective if it is implemented. If it cannot be implemented, how many years of studying this Dharma and how many classics I have read, it is useless to learn a single one.

 There are three words to learn Buddhism, one of which is indispensable.  It is 'Wen Si Xiu'.  Hearing is hearing, 'The Buddhadharma is unpleasant, but I have heard it now.  ' It is not easy to be able to hear the Dharma.  But after hearing it, it was in vain without further thought.  Now there are 12 parts of the Sanzang everywhere, but the sutras do not open their mouths to proclaim them.  The so-called 'Buddha Dharma has no one to say, although wisdom cannot understand it.  ’ So it is necessary to think deeply and study deeply.  Besides, the Dharma of reciting Buddhahood in the Pure Land is difficult to believe.  From this, it can be seen that the study of pure land light is not enough, and it must be practiced.  If it cannot be implemented, it is nonsense.  To know that more hearing is worse than more thinking, more thinking is worse than more action, all three are indispensable.

 You have studied Buddhism for many years, but you are still obsessed with fame, fame, and self-interest, or you are still obedient to your troubles, or you are still doing bad karma.  You are not very good at learning Buddhism.

 An eminent monk said that in today's Buddhism, it is not that no one believes in it, nor that no one studies it, but that there are too few people who truly practice it, and too few people who have real enlightenment.  Although there are many people who talk about the principles of the Buddha Dharma in a hype and righteous way, but if they don't put them into practice, they can't be combined with the real life.  Saying one zhang is worse than making one inch is like a person has a lot of money. If you lock it in a box and don't use it, then no amount of money will be of use, like a pile of waste paper.  Money can only play its value and function when it is used.

 Why do some people study Buddhism for many years, yet their troubles remain the same;  The fault is in the combination.  The word "learning" we usually talk about has two meanings. "Learning" is one level, and "Xi" is another level.  Learning refers to practice, practice, and combination to be called complete learning.  Practice has proved that in our study of Buddhism, every combination will yield a gain; every combination will lead to progress.

 If the study of Buddhism cannot be combined with real life or with one's own thoughts, words and deeds, then Buddha-knowledge will still be Buddha-knowledge, my opinion is still my opinion, and learning is equal to learning in vain.  For example: Buddhism teaches us to give, but we are still selfish, greedy and reluctant to give up.  How can there be progress in this kind of Buddhist study of "learning to learn, listening to listening, doing and doing"?  Learning Buddhism without union can only deceive oneself by "painting cakes to satisfy hunger" and "viewing plums to quench thirst".

Saturday, March 19, 2022

USA, Australia, Canada must stop genocide and

 Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, March 18. On March 18, during the 49th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, China and Venezuela jointly held a video side event on the theme of "Systemic Violations of Indigenous Rights in the United States, Canada and Australia" in Geneva.  .  More than 150 people including diplomats in Geneva, representatives of non-governmental organizations, experts, and media reporters attended the conference online.

 Jiang Duan, Minister of Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations Office in Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, introduced the "Historical Facts and Realistic Evidence of the Genocide of Indians by the United States" recently published by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  and other means to systematically deprive Indians of their right to subsistence and basic political, economic, and cultural rights.  The unidentified graves and remains of Aboriginal children have been continuously discovered in Canada, and the truth is still unknown.  Australia has historically implemented the "White Australia Policy", which has forced 100,000 Aboriginal children from their families.  Indigenous peoples still face widespread and systemic discrimination and inequality in these countries.  The United States, Canada, and Australia should seriously reflect on their mistakes and investigate and hold accountable crimes that violate the rights of indigenous peoples.

 The Permanent Representative of Venezuela, Rosales, said that the United States, Canada and Australia call themselves "human rights teachers", but their human rights conditions are shocking.  Indigenous peoples in these countries have been systematically discriminated against and oppressed for a long time, and face all kinds of injustice and violence, but Western mainstream media have deliberately avoided them.  These countries frequently accuse and slander developing countries and impose illegal unilateral coercive measures, causing great suffering to the people of the countries concerned.  The international community should continue to pay attention to the violations of human rights by the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries and hold them accountable.

 The Permanent Representative of the DPRK, Han Tae-song, said that the U.S., Canada, and Australia carried out brutal genocide against indigenous peoples such as Indians, and history should not be forgotten.  The representative of Iran said that the destruction of indigenous identities and cultures by the United States, Canada and Australia is a vicious act of cultural genocide.  The representative of Russia pointed out that to this day, indigenous people in the United States, Canada, and Australia still suffer from racial discrimination and injustice in health care, education, housing, social security, etc.  Not too high.

 Aboriginal representatives from Australia and Canada said that the United States, Canada and Australia must face up to historical crimes and recognize and protect the rights that Aboriginal people deserve.

 At the meeting, the documentary "Genocide Hate" was also played.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Why war?

 In our life, we live in this world. One kind of suffering has not yet ended, and another kind of suffering will come again. It can be said that the eight kinds of suffering are intertwined. The suffering is unbearable and unbearable!  But in addition to the eight sufferings, there are many undetermined sufferings, such as the calamity of swords and soldiers, which is really indescribable.  We all need to understand, where does this pain come from?  Everything is inseparable from cause and effect. In the past, the cause of the eight sufferings was created, and now you will suffer the results of the eight sufferings. If you understand the relationship between cause and effect, you will know that the sword and calamity is also a kind of result.  However, there are some people who do not believe that there is cause and effect in all dharmas. Because they have not studied Buddhism, they do not believe in the principle of cause and effect!  Since we don’t believe in cause and effect, what is the reason for the swordsman robbery?  You must know that the views of ordinary people in the world are fundamentally different from the views of saints. There are two kinds of views of ordinary people: the first one is that he believes that swords and calamities are caused by imperialist aggressors, which are wars caused by wanting to conquer the world.  Another view is that domestic careerists do not abide by their duties, disturb internal security, and rebel against the country and instead fight.  Ordinary ordinary people think that these two are the reasons for the robbery. In fact, this is not the fundamental reason, but a kind of help.  Listen to what you say: The sword and the calamity are fate, so where is the cause?  This is not something that ordinary people can understand, it must be understood by a wise sage.  To give an analogy: plant a seed of a melon and fruit in the ground, which is called the cause; later the seed sprouts and grows, and the fruit ripens and it is called the fruit.  Aid is an opportunity to help growth, just like a seed. After planting, it needs to be watered, sun-dried, and fertilized before it will bear fruit.  Therefore, there must be a cause and a predestined relationship, so that the result will be obvious. It seems obvious that when you see the effect, you know the cause, just like when you see a melon, you know that it came from the seeds of the melon.  The reason why there is now the effect of the sword and soldier tribulation is also the cause of the sword and soldier tribulation in the past.  You must know that since the swordsman robbery is the result of killing, its cause is of course inseparable from the cause of the killing. With the help of imperialists and careerists, the result of the swordsman robbery occurred.  But the cause of this is unknown to ordinary people, and only Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can understand it.  This is not an empty talk, nor is it a speculation. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have celestial eyesight, so looking at the cause and effect of swords and kalpas, they can see it very clearly, and understand that since ancient times, sentient beings have never been able to break the karma of killing, and there is no one who does not kill.  Killing can be divided into two types: one is direct killing, the other is indirect killing.  What is direct and indirect killing?  The butcher kills pigs, sheep, and cattle directly, which is called direct killing; because we have to eat meat every day, he kills only for us. This is called indirect killing.  These two are the cause of death.  In this way, the person who kills directly is more guilty, and the person who indirectly kills (eats meat) is less guilty, right?  Everyone thinks that direct killing is a serious crime, while meat-eating people are less guilty, which is wrong!  According to the law of go-vern-ment, there are two types of crimes: principal and accomplice.  But is the person who directly kills the main culprit?  Or is the meat eater the main culprit?  Not necessarily.  For example, when a butcher kills a pig and sells it, he is the principal offender, and the person who buys the meat is the accomplice; but there is not enough meat to sell, and there are many people who buy meat, so the butcher will kill again. At this time, the person who buys the meat becomes the principal offender, the butcher.  become an accomplice, and if so, each will be rewarded.  People today are more reluctant to believe in the truth of karma than people in ancient times. In the past, not only ordinary people were afraid of karma, but butchers were also afraid of karma!  So when he wants to kill a pig, he just says something: 'Pig, pig, don't blame me!  You are a dish in the world, if he doesn't eat it, I won't kill it.  You go to the eater to collect debts!  ’ You see, aren’t the people who kill pigs also afraid that pigs will collect debts?  But is it to collect debts from those who eat, or from those who kill?  As the saying goes: 'Injustice has its head, and a debt has its owner', so there is a reward for eating, and a reward for killing.

 (1) Murder In ancient times, after a war, the common people lived and died together with the soldiers. Once the enemy invaded the city, the innocent people were killed like the soldiers, and this was the tragic thing that happened in the massacre of the city.  Some will say: The ancient times have passed, and now there is no massacre in the city!  You must know that it is three-dimensional warfare, which is more beneficial and tragic. Country A makes an atomic bomb, and country B also makes an atomic bomb. Let me ask you, what is the purpose of making the atomic bomb?  Will it be in the warehouse forever?  If an atomic bomb were dropped from the sky, no one could absolutely guarantee that they would not die under the fire of war.  (2) Arson. When there is a war, there is arson. Now there are petrol bombs, incendiary bombs, etc., which are specially designed to burn the opponent.  (3) The family is broken. In order to avoid the casualties of the war, it is necessary to escape, and the family will be broken.  Although you have a lot of pastoral and wealthy family wealth, you cannot bring them out because of the war, and you go into exile alone.  (4) People scattered cannon fire approaching the city, and they wanted to escape quickly. One hand pulled the man and the other held the woman. The station road was crowded with people. The car was driving and listening to the cry of the child, but there was no way to do it.  .  This is the case with swordsmanship.  In the era of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, the Jin soldiers from the north attacked to the south, and they burned and killed all the places they went, especially Anyang Town in Henan, which suffered the worst disaster.  At that time in Anyang, there was an eminent monk who could go into meditation to observe cause and effect!  The people of Anyang felt that there was no reason for such a heavy disaster, but there must be a reason, so they went to ask the eminent monk.  Because of this, the calamity of swordsmen and soldiers suffered this time is more beneficial than other places; but the retribution of this killing karma has not yet ended, and the disasters of swordsmen and soldiers will continue to come. You people in Anyang quickly change your mind and stop killing.  Mitigate future evils.  ' But the people of Anyang didn't believe what this eminent monk said, and they still killed them.  After several years of continuous war, the people of Anyang were slaughtered every time, and only later did they believe that what the eminent monk said was right, but it was too late.  This koan proves that killing is the cause, and robbery is the effect.

 Everyone, please look at the topic that the scholars are talking about today: 'Rong killing is the foundation of cessation of swordsmanship'. Now the robbery of swords and soldiers is in front of us. The tribulation of swordsmen and soldiers comes from the cause of killing.  This is the fundamental way to avoid the pain of being robbed by swordsmen in the future.  Also, swordsmanship and calamity are common karma, but there are differences in common karma, which means that everyone else creates killing karma.  But I often hear people say: I am not a butcher, and I do not kill, but it is impossible for me not to eat meat, what should I do?  It's good that you don't kill, and I'll introduce you to the convenient method, because there are third-class disasters in saber robbery, and there are third-class merits in abstinence from killing.  The superior merits will extinguish the superior disasters, the medium merits will extinguish the middle disasters, and the inferior merits will extinguish the inferior disasters.  The best merit is to be a vegetarian for a long time. If you can't do it, you need to look at the effect and fear the cause.  Moderate merit is vegetarianism in June, December and every morning.  If you can't do this, then you will do the inferior merits. The inferior merits are the ten fasts, the six fasts, the flower fasting with the points, and the Buddha and Bodhisattva's Christmas Day to be vegetarian, and at least to eat the three pure meats.  What is Three Pure Meat?  It is the one who does not see the killing, does not hear the killing, and does not kill for me.  The law of causality (1) does not destroy everyone here, some of you will definitely think: You say that cause and effect can be transformed, which seems to be inconsistent with the principles of Buddhism. Buddhism teaches that there is cause and effect, and the law of cause and effect is not eradicated. Why do you say that cause and effect can be transformed?  ?  right!  The law of cause and effect cannot be eliminated. There is also a verse in the sutra that says: 'If the work done for thousands of kalpas does not perish, the karma will meet the time, and the result will be self-rewarding.  ’ The meaning is: Even after a hundred thousand kalpas, the sins created by each person will not be eliminated.  You must know that there is a 'condition' between the cause and the effect. When the cause and the cause meet, the result is still to be received by oneself.  (2) No offsetting If you have done a lot of evil in the past, is it impossible to do a lot of good things now to offset it?  right!  impossible!  Because the law of causality is irreversible, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It is a certain truth. It is like planting melon seeds on a piece of land at the same time.  Certainly raw beans, melons will not destroy beans, beans will not destroy melons.  But now it is said that cause and effect can be changed, how to change the law?  You must know that the cause is the cause, the condition is the condition, and the effect is the effect. This is divided into three sections to explain.  Cause and effect produce fruit. What scholars want to talk about today is predestined relationship. What is predestined relationship?  Let me ask you all: 'Will the Sword and Brigade Tribulation come now?  ' You must answer: 'It won't come.  ’ This is the fate of the sword and soldier tribulation that has not yet arrived, and only when this fate is immature can the cause and effect be changed.  If the unripe karma of the sword and soldier tribulation is cut off, the result of the sword and soldier tribulation may be changed; once the karma is mature, there is no way to remedy it, because the karmic karma that was created together in the past is mature, even if you have great supernatural powers, there is no way to solve it.  So before the fate of the sword and the robbery is immature, what method should be used to remedy it?  That is to use the method of eliminating the "increasing superiority". It is like the doctor treats the patient by prescribing the right medicine. If the patient has a fever, he should prescribe a cold medicine. If the patient is cold, he should prescribe a warming tonic.  If a patient uses tonic for fever and cold medicine for cold, this kind of doctor will kill people.  Having said this, some people may say: 'Do more for good, build bridges and build roads, and you can end the disaster of swords and soldiers.  ’ Such words are unreliable, because being robbed by swords and soldiers is not the result of your destruction of roads and bridges in the past!  Now it is offset by building bridges and roads. This is a bull's head, and it doesn't make sense. It's like a quack doctor who doesn't know the disease and prescribes medicine randomly, and the patient has a fever and prescribes tonic.  You must know that the retribution of being subjected to a saber and soldier calamity is the cause of killing in the past, so the cause and effect of being killed, and now if you want to cut off the cause of killing, there is no predestined relationship.  If you don’t understand the truth of this disconnection, I will tell a story to cite it.  In the past, there was a temple somewhere, where a Dharma master taught scriptures. At the same time, there was a person who had committed a major sin. After listening to the scriptures, he went to ask the Dharma Master and said, "I killed and killed in the past, and I have committed a major sin. What should I do?  How to do it?  ' The Master taught him: 'You have to show your sincerity and repent with your heart. If there is no result yet, you can just cut off the relationship.  ’ But this person only knows cause and effect, and does not understand the truth of karma.

 The master was skillful and convenient. He gave him a pack of tribulus and taught him to plant the things in the open space behind the temple by the side of the two paths. The tribulus planted in the east should be sprinkled with lime and not watered; the tribulus planted in the west should be watered every day.  The master also explained that he should walk barefoot every five days, walking in the east and walking in the west.  For the first time, this person walked east and west, and he didn't feel anything.  The Master then told him to water every day in the west, and still not water in the east.  After another five days, I walked around with bare feet on both sides.  After another five days, I suddenly saw that the tribulus terrestris had sprouted on the west side.  In five days, I saw that the buds had grown three inches, and yellow flowers were blooming.  Five weeks later, while walking barefoot in the west, he was stabbed by a thorn and could no longer walk.  The Master asked: 'What about the east side?  ' The man replied: 'I don't feel anything.  ' The Master said again: 'The tribulus seeds are planted on both sides of the east and west, so why can the east go to the west and not the west?  ’ At this time, he suddenly realized that the lime in the east is sprinkled with lime, and if it is not watered, it will not work if the relationship is broken; the water in the west is watered every day, and when the water increases the upper edge, it will produce power.  So at the same time, the seed in the east does not sprout while the seed in the west flourishes.  Now that the Sword and Bing Tribulation has not come, hurry up and break the relationship, and there will be no results.  But how to break the fate?  The order of breaking the relationship is divided into upper, middle, lower, and third-level kung fu. From today onwards, the low-level kung fu will no longer kill living beings, and eat the three pure meats (that is, the meat that does not see killing, does not hear killing, and does not kill for me). If you do this, you will be a good person; medium  Kung Fu not only does not kill, but also maintains a long-term vegetarian diet, and doing so is equivalent to an Arahant who saves himself; high-level kung fu not only does not kill living beings, but eats long-term vegetarian food, and goes further to release living beings and save their lives. Such people are equivalent to bodhisattvas who benefit others.  Born with the habit of eating meat, it is very difficult to stop eating meat.  What if it's not easy to break?  This must be done with the following visualizations: (1) The coming of the robbery by swords and soldiers Is everyone afraid of the coming of the robbery by swordsmen?  If I am afraid, put this bowl of meat in front of me, I should visualize how KB I was when this animal was slaughtered, and I was afraid, like a robbery by swordsmen. In order to avoid being robbed by swordsmen, I would not eat this bowl of meat.  The first visualization.  (2) The thieves come and be held The second step is to visualize: once the war is chaotic and the enemy soldiers come, how terrible it is for the people to be bound!  At this time, you should visualize: Think how pitiful this bowl of meat was when someone bought it and tied it up; in order to avoid being held by thieves, I would not eat this bowl of meat.  (3) Fear of separation of family members The third step of visualization: Every family has parents, brothers, sisters, wives, and dependents. Once they are bound by thieves, the sadness after the separation of the six relatives and dependents.  It should be visualized: After the beast was bound and captured by people, the pitiful appearance of its relatives when they screamed, I couldn't bear to eat this bowl of meat.  (4) Fear of being killed The fourth step is to visualize: If we were to be killed, would we feel willing or unwilling?  At this time, you should visualize: When the animal is slaughtered, the blood is shed, and the pain of cooking, frying and boiling on the knife and anvil. In order to avoid being killed, I will not dare to eat this bowl of meat!  If these four kinds of visualizations are fulfilled, not only will you not want to eat meat again, but you will further express repentance for the wrong actions you have done in the past, and you will never eat meat in the future.

 The many evil causes that have been created in the past are certainly terrifying, but the conditions that do not increase will not happen.  For example, as mentioned earlier, the master taught the man to plant the tribulus terrestris in the east and west. The tribulus terrestris is like a bad fruit. If you step on it, it will pierce the skin and bleed. But if you don't water it, it will be hard to grow.  Don't get stabbed.  This means that although many evil karmas of killing and harming life have been created in the past, as long as one abstains from killing and protects life now, the evil effects will be reduced.  There are wise people and foolish people in the world.  A wise person senses the moment he has a motive, and sees the consequences later; a fool who has a motive not only has no sense, but even says a thousand words to him, "If you create such an illegal cause, it will bear bad consequences in the future, and he will not."  hear.  Therefore, there is a saying in the sutra: 'Bodhisattvas are afraid of the cause, and ordinary people are afraid of the effect.  ’ It means: A wise person will know the consequences after seeing the cause, and will not dare to do evil again; ordinary people who don’t know the terrible cause of doing evil will do evil because they are wrong.  Now countries around the world are brewing wars.  If you don't believe it, country A has an atomic bomb, and country B also has an atomic bomb. What are they going to do with the new weapons they invented?  It is used to kill countless and countless lives, and this is the omen of disaster.  Maybe someone said: 'What does that matter?  The war hasn't come yet.  'friend!  Don't talk like this, you must pay attention. Just like a small drop of water, it should be plugged up, and a little fire that gradually burns should be extinguished, and there will be no major disasters.  Having said that, some people may say: 'You Buddhists, how can you stop the world war?  ' This we dare not exaggerate.  In fact, there is no way to stop a world war, because a world war is a shared karma and must be rewarded together.  However, we can prevent individuals from not being punished, which is what we said last time about the CCP.  Because if you do not create the cause of killing, you will not receive the retribution of the fruit of killing. This is the origin of Dussey.  But what if there was a cause of killing before today?  From today onwards, if you want to put an end to the cause of killing, that is, to cut off the predestined relationship for sin. This is a very good way.  Some people will say: 'Fortunately, I didn't kill for a long time. In terms of cause and effect, I won't be rewarded for killing.  'friend!  Please slow down and rejoice. You must know that each person has a lot of killing karma, which is hard to count. If you say you don’t kill, I will do the math for you now: After you were born, your mother was afraid that her breast milk was not enough, so she killed  A few chickens to make up for it. You will kill the guests at the full moon soup cake party. When you grow up and get engaged, you will kill them, and on the wedding day, you will kill them even more.  When I was in school, I asked teachers to kill.  Later, when he went out to the society to do business, he also had to kill people to entertain guests.  At the age of 40 and 50, one must kill a living being.  During the New Year and the festivals throughout the year, Qingming in March, Dragon Boat Festival in May, Zhongyuan in July, and Chongyang in September, killing and worshipping are often performed.  All of a sudden, when a guest arrives, he wants to kill the guest.  When you are sick, you have to kill life to change your taste. When you are sick, you need to use Danggui duck to nourish and nourish. When you are sick, you will also kill life to thank the doctor.  In life, there is life and there is death. A life is sad. On the day of the farewell ceremony, there will be even more killings and special killings.  Please think about it, right?  For the above ten kinds of conditions, although people who don't kill themselves also kill more, people who don't eat meat every day are killed every day, and it's even more difficult to explain such people.  We all kill living beings to create karma now, and we also killed living things and created karma in our previous lives, and the killing karma that we have created in many lifetimes is endless.  If you kill a life, you will end up with a wrong soul, and you will always be by your side to ask for your life; not only is the wrongful karma from outsiders avenged, but your own killing karma is planted in the field of eight senses, and it will germinate at any time, that is, the seeds of sin.  Always lead you to be punished.  Maybe you still have questions. In order to make it clear to everyone, today I will talk about 'explaining a few questions about abstinence from killing'.  It's the worst thing to mention about killing, but each of us has been killing since so many lives.  Just say this life!  Killing from the moment of birth, until death, it continues to kill, and after death, reincarnation kills again.  Killing has become a habit, and a habit is formed. Once you hear the Buddhadharma and say that you should abstain from killing, it will be very unpleasant, and you will think it is very strange.  There are doubts, so explain.  All sentient beings live in this world, no matter what and all actions, they must be commanded and controlled by others.  This is divided into two aspects: one is custom, and the other is truth.  Let’s talk about customs first, customs are the customs and habits of the secular people.  Most of the customs and habits of ordinary people are to instruct their children to do it according to their parents' every move, and the children pass it on to the next generation.  Because some of the things that are done are reasonable, and some are not. What is reasonable is good, and what is unreasonable is wrong.  What does it matter if it is wrong or right?  It’s okay, if you do something wrong, it will become a bad cause, and sooner or later you will suffer a bad result.  Besides, the truth is the truth.  A wise person is not dominated by custom, and no matter what or what he does, he does everything in accordance with the truth and in accordance with the principles of the saints.  Because of the sage's doctrine, what is right is taught to do, and what is wrong is told not to do.  A wise man has understood the meaning of it.  There is a saying in the ancients: 'Seek yourself for more happiness'.  It means: blessings do not come from outside, but come from oneself.  (1) As the saying goes, 'full of anti-cannibalism', some people say: 'I heard you say a lot, what exactly is custom and what is truth?  ’ Now I will talk about the worldly truth first.  Ordinary secular people often say: 'If you don't kill chickens, ducks, pigs, cattle, etc., it will be everywhere and fill the world; if you don't eat it, it will eat you. In the end, won't it eat up all the people in the world?  ?  'Let me ask you: In ancient times, if people saw phoenixes and unicorns, it was auspicious and everyone liked them, but since ancient times, unicorns and phoenixes have not been seen everywhere, filling the whole world and eating people; besides, people don't eat them.  Cats, dogs and mice are not seen all over the world and eat people!  (2) As the saying goes, 'meat is rich in nutrition', ordinary people often say: If you don't eat meat, your body will not be nourished enough, your spirit will be weak, your physique will be weak, and you will not be able to do things. What should you do?  Let me explain: some people live in cities, some people live in villages, people in cities eat fish and meat every day, people in villages eat fish and meat only during Chinese New Year, people in cities eat angelica duck every day, and get sick every day  , and most of them are some strange diseases; not only few people in the countryside, but almost all of them live a long life. If you don’t believe me, look at the Respect for the Elderly Meeting on September 9, many people in the countryside live to be 90 or 100 years old.

 Then I can see that the masters don't eat meat and get up at four o'clock in the morning, and they are seldom sick.  Let’s look at the elephant among the animals. It eats grass and not meat, and it takes no effort at all to be seated on its back. The camel also does not eat meat and grass, and can travel thousands of miles under heavy load.  These are what we have seen with our own eyes.  All cattle and horses only eat grass and not meat, and the bodies of cattle and horses are so strong. What is the reason?  Because the beans, fruits, vegetables, etc. in plants are rich in vitamins, this is not an empty claim, it is true, if you don’t believe me, go to a big hospital, the patients in the hospital, are there many people who eat meat?  Or are there more people who don't eat meat?  At the same time, although meat is nutritious, it also has toxins.  How do you know?

 Let me give you a piece of evidence so that you can understand: no matter how big or small a beast is when it is bound to be killed, how painful it is, and how resentful it is to be killed by the other party.  Once aroused hatred, toxins will flow throughout the body, so meat contains more toxins.  In terms of human beings, if a breastfeeding woman is overly stimulated or troubled, and her temperament changes, the milk will contain toxins, and the baby will be susceptible to disease after eating it.  Is there any evidence for this?  If you don’t believe me, if you see a woman with a baby who is angry and angry, squeeze out a little of her milk and let it dry in the sun for a while, and it will turn green. Ordinary milk that is not angry will be white when exposed to the sun.  (3) It is commonly said that 'beasts have souls but no spirits'. Some ordinary people say: 'Beasts have souls but no spirituality, so they should be eaten by humans!  ’ If it is said that animals have no spirituality, please go and check the history. In ancient times, Emperor Ming of Tang taught horses to sing, and horses could dance.  Later, An Lushan rebelled and usurped the throne. Knowing that horses could dance, he ordered the horses to be brought out and danced.  But when Ma saw that he was not his master, he knocked his head to the ground to death.  Does this horse have a soul?  Or soulless?  Think about it, little pigeons have no spirituality, why do they send letters when dogs can count with chalk?  Besides, there is a kind of righteous bird in Italy. It has a very good sound. This bird is not easy to be caught. If you catch one, you will burn the eyes with a red-hot iron, and then put it in a damp place.  It will be raised with food and drink in the next day, and after it returns to normal, it will be placed in the sunlight, and then it will make a sound of barking.  However, the sound of screaming at this time was not as good as before. The sound of screaming in the past was peaceful and happy, and the sound of screaming now is sad and miserable.  Hearing this tragic cry, its fellows flew to see it, and when they saw its blind and miserable state, they couldn't bear to leave, so they were called righteous birds.  Then the hunters went over and caught them one by one.  Do you think birds have such friendship, is it spiritual or not?  Besides, in Wuping, Fujian, inland, there is a kind of golden ape with golden hair. People like it when they see it and want to catch it, but it is very difficult for Tang to catch it, because its movements are very agile.  So the way hunters want to catch it is to ambush the poisonous arrows, wait for them to come out, and shoot the poisonous arrows at the female ape.  After all the apes are full, they squeeze out the rest of the milk and sprinkle it on the grass, so that the grass with milk can also feed the children after death.  At this time, the apes surrounded the mother ape and couldn't bear to leave, where they cried and watched their mother die.  At this time, the hunter saw the little ape guarding his mother not to go, so he went to catch it, but it was still not easy to catch.  So the hunter peeled off the mother ape's skin and whipped the ape's skin with a whip. At this time, the little ape watched someone beat its mother's skin.  Died on the ground of skinning, and some were captured by hunters one by one.  Look at how cruel the hunters are, taking advantage of the filial piety of the little ape to capture them.  You say that animals are insane, but where does it make sense?  It can be seen that no matter the big beast or the small beast, there is indeed spirituality.  (4) It is commonly said that 'inferior animals are ignorant', but there is another saying in the world that pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks, and beasts are inferior animals. They have no knowledge, and they don't know anything, so they should be killed.  In this way, ignorant animals should be killed.  Then there are several kinds of ignorant ones below, you can kill them and try!  How many?  If you are drunk and drowsy and don't know anything, why don't you kill him?  A crazy person is also ignorant, why don't you kill him?  Just like a newborn baby doesn't know anything, why don't you kill him?  It can be seen from this that the argument that one can kill without knowledge is also wrong.

 (5) It is commonly said that "animals are born to be eaten by humans." The worldly people have another saying: that animals are born to be eaten by humans, because God created them for humans to eat, and they must obey.  The so-called 'those who obey the sky prosper, those who go against the sky perish', since animals are given to people to eat by the sky, then people should also feed animals to animals, but tigers, wolves, mosquitoes, and lice all eat human flesh, why are you not reconciled?  How about Suncheon?  Let’s talk about a historical fact to prove it, so we can know whether killing is in line with the sky or against the sky?  Killing is a sinful act (1) Improper justice Among all kinds of criminal acts, killing is a serious sin.  In terms of axioms, we hope that everyone will be treated equally, because all living beings love their lives, and so do you, and so do animals.  Legally convicted and punished, the first crime is murder.  Why should we kill pigs, chickens, ducks, etc. with the punishment of the first-class crime?  So it is said: In terms of axioms, it should not be killed.  (2) Improper cultivation of the Dao In terms of cultivation, it should not be killed either.  Any religion speaks the principles of kindness, but our Buddhist doctrine is more thorough, and the practice must be practiced by all kinds of goodness.  According to the six degrees of cultivation, generosity comes first, and generosity can be divided into three types: first, wealth, second, law, and third, fearless.  Among them, "give without fear" means to make all living beings have no fear. If you kill its life, then there will be no fear in giving?  You frighten the beasts, then do you fearlessly give?  In order to succeed in cultivation, one must first develop a compassionate heart. Killing and killing life is to cut off the seeds of compassion. Where else can success be achieved?  Therefore, in terms of cultivation, killing is the first precept and should not be done.  (3) Improper relationship There is another one that should not be killed in the relationship of life.  There is a saying: You have to plant a field of blessings to get happiness. When you see a beast about to suffer and save its life, you are planting a field of compassion. Conversely, seeing it suffer will not save it, but kill it. This is like our own.  It's like destroying your own blessed land.  From the perspective of life relationship, people are inseparable from the six realms of reincarnation. In the six realms, there are parents, brothers, sisters, wives, six relatives, and relatives. Because once reincarnated, there are parents, brothers, wives and so on for one lifetime.  In this way, since the beginning of time, we have been reborn in the six realms thousands of trillions of times. It is impossible to count them all, nor can the six relatives and dependents be counted, because we are ordinary people, and we cannot see without the power of heaven.  Some of you here must say: I don't believe it, it's over after death, so what kind of relatives are there?  If you don’t believe me, let me give you another historical record, a real thing to prove: In the Tang Dynasty, there was a person named Wei Qingzhi, he wanted to treat a guest once, he sent an invitation, and the time was fixed at  The next afternoon, everything was ready.  That night, his wife had a dream, dreaming of her daughter who died two years ago, wearing a blue dress, a white dress, with two white jade hairpins on her head, knelt on the ground and wept, saying to her mother: '  Mother!  Before I was alive, I stole money from my parents privately, so I fell into the realm of beasts after my death, and this time I changed a sheep to pay for it.  Because of the crime of stealing my parents' money, I will be killed by my father tomorrow, and now I come to plead with my mother to save my life from bloodshed.  ’ This Wei Qingzhi’s wife could hear clearly in the dream, and suddenly woke up, feeling gloomy in the morning, and his husband asked him, “Why are you unhappy because we have a treat today?”  ' His wife couldn't help crying, and told him the details of her dream last night when her daughter came to cry for help.  Her husband said: 'Don't be superstitious, there is such a thing, our daughter has been dead for two years, probably because of your thoughts day and night, day and night dream, your dream is unbelievable  .  ’ The Mrs. Wei couldn’t explain it, so she went to the kitchen to help the cook.  Suddenly, he saw a sheep bound to the pillar. Looking closely, the upper body of the sheep was covered with blue hair, with two white horns on its head, and its belly and four feet were covered with white hair.  At this time, I remembered the dream I had last night. In the dream, the daughter's clothes were all the same.  What was especially strange was that when the sheep saw Mrs. Wei, it began to cry out in a very sad voice, like a human cry.  Mrs. Wei immediately told the cook: 'You don't want to kill this sheep today.  ' The cook said, 'Today I want to treat guests, where is there food without slaughtering sheep?  ' The cook refused to listen to his wife's words, because Mrs. Wei was too embarrassed to say that the sheep was her daughter, but she said to the cook, 'Don't kill for now, I will discuss it with Mr.  ’ At this time, there were a lot of guests, and when the wife wanted to speak to her husband, Mr. Wei was shouting to the cook, hurry up and open the table.  There is a rear window in this room, facing the kitchen. Mrs. Wei hurriedly told her husband that the sheep she saw just now looked the same as her dreaming daughter, and how she was screaming in grief.  But Mr. Wei still refused to listen, and ordered the cook to kill the sheep to make dishes.  The strange thing is that the group of guests didn't eat mutton at all, but only other dishes. The host said: 'Why don't you all eat mutton?  ' The guests said in unison: 'Today's events are very strange. When we looked at the sheep from the back window just now, the sheep bound on the pillars looked like a person or a girl, so we didn't dare to eat them.  ' When the master heard this, the couple cried aloud, that is, they said what her daughter had come to tell her mother in a dream.  Please think about it, who dares to say that there are no parents, brothers, sisters, and relatives in the six realms?  In terms of secular benevolence, we should abstain from killing; in terms of justice and equality, we should cut flesh; in terms of life relationships, we should be vegetarians.  Now that you understand these three levels, you shouldn't kill your life.  I advise you not to believe in common sayings, but to believe in the truth, to stop killing and be vegetarian.  In the psychology of ordinary people, there is a wrong concept that the principle of karma is only said by the Chinese, and the Westerners have never said it.  In fact, Westerners now also talk about the principle of karma.  If you don’t believe me, I’ll give you the facts of karma written by Westerners. This is recorded in foreign books: In the southwestern part of Asia, on the shore of the Red Sea, there is a place called Palestine.  The military expedition, the cruel killing stamp is in this place.  There are two major ethnic groups in this place, one is the Arabs and the other is the Jews. After this place was occupied by Europe, the Jews mostly went to Europe and the United States to do business.  What business do you do?  Run a slaughter business.  In Europe and the United States, Jews account for more than half of the slaughtered people, and the method of slaughtering Jews is very cruel.  At this time, Europe and the United States are advocating animal protection societies. Although they cannot completely stop killing, they should try to reduce the KB of animals.  How to reduce animal KB?  That is, at the time of slaughter, isolate them from each other and prevent them from seeing each other, which reduces KB.  Then there is the reduction of the pain when the animal is killed, that is, anesthesia is applied to the animal, and it will lose consciousness later, and the pain will be reduced when it is killed.  This kind of advocacy, many people follow this method, only the cruel Jews do not listen to the advice and are unwilling to follow this method.  The advocates feel that they can't make sense to them, so they want to use the power of go-vern-ment to promote this method of reducing animal suffering.  However, when the proposal was made in the parliament, the Jews bribed the members and destroyed the venue in many ways. Finally, the proposal was cancelled, and the animal protection society had to publicize it to the society.  How will animal protection be promoted to the society?  Filmed a movie of slaughtering animals, describing how mechanical slaughter relieved the KB and suffering of animals, and then describing how cruel the slaughter of Jews was.  The effect of this kind of film propaganda is great, but every time it is shown, the Jews will disturb it, and every time the film cannot be finished.  Although they have exhausted their efforts and used the film as propaganda, they have achieved two-thirds of the results, but they have been destroyed by the Jews, so this work cannot be completed.  not far from this

Friday, February 25, 2022

How to prevent to be Chinese traitor?

 China has huge population of 1.4 billion. With such a big population, there bound to have some chinese become chinese traitors doing harm to their own motherland. But how to prevent to become chinese traitors? 

Self confidence : Chinese must have self confidence with their 5000 years of culture. They must not forsake China traditional learning. This is the roots and valuable assets. Without that, chinese will be like leaf 🍀 flowing in the sea.

Chinese must not be influenced by some rotten western values. Do not be manipulated by them because they are good at that.

Chinese must not smearing own country publicly because western will like to turn it to weapons to down China.

Don't participate NGO set up by western or USA, they will use you as the tool to down your country. Some of high scholars brainwashed by Westerner and expose country secret and become traitors.

Monday, February 14, 2022

American athletes accuse US medias telling lies

 If I accuse western medias reporting fake news about China Beijing Winter Olympics. But how about American athlete mentioned that Western medias reporting untrue, can you believe his words. Of course, this USA athlete saying is from his heart.

American athletes criticize the US media for telling lies. On February 13, American freestyle skiing U-shaped pool athlete Aaron Blunck said at a press conference that in the United States he had seen various Irresponsible reporting of the Beijing Winter Olympics. “Those are actually fake. In fact, everything is amazing. Everyone, from the staff to the nucleic acid testers, to the accommodation, this is one of the high-level Winter Olympics we have participated in.” His teammate Ya Alex Ferreira described the Olympic Village staff with sincerity and friendliness.

Friday, February 11, 2022

China take care lives

 During covic 19 pandemic spreading, the ways western countries and China handling it differently. Bloomberg media said China implementing “zero” policies are successful.

I think China government is very concerned about life, can I call it human rights? I think it is human to do whatever we can to save even one life.

Like America and UK, their ways of handling is reckless just look at UK prime minister. He never show good example, just go to party enjoying without protection. He himself violate his own implemented rules. They are implementing herd immunity. USA suffered the most, 900000 lives lost. America just simply don’t care life. 900000 lives are the combined of world war 1 & 2 total death. I think China culture and western culture got big difference.

Hong Kong situation come worse recently. China gives advice to Hong Kong, to curb the spreading using China way because it can save more lives.

Human wisdom 1

 In this confused world, it is important to learn something from ancestors. Their knowledges , experiences and wisdoms definitely can help much. Time to dig ancient wisdom and share it out…..

1. It has been nearly a thousand years since the prosperity of Kangxi, and many kings want to make the world govern. However, there is no more peace and prosperity. Why is this? Because the monarch abandoned the common sense and law of governing the country, and let his own personal desires act, resulting in the rampant luxury and the slack of benevolence and righteousness.