Showing posts with label Worker Party Lee Li Lian can win Puggol east by election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Worker Party Lee Li Lian can win Puggol east by election. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Worker party Lee Li Lian can win Puggol east by election

Worker Party Lee Li Lian can win Puggol east by election, Punggol east by-election to be held on 26 Feb 2013, who is the candidate to be likely the winner. I think Ms Lee Li Lian has the highest chance amongst the four.
Let's talk about Desmond Lee who had contested the last general election Punggol east by-election and he had lost the election deposit ten over thousands dollars. Desmond Lee got only 4.5 percent. Desmond Lee will 100 percent sure to lose the election deposit again because this is the four-cornered fight and this is more difficult for him to get more than 4.5 percent this time. The other reason is that he never held any rally on the field. Although he put on line rally on the face book or people can see his video on you-tube but the impact is not that good due to many negative comments there like poor commend of English, etc. Desmond Lee went to Reform Party rally to talk gave people the impression that he was the political joker and he said this was the example of opposition unity, how naive it is. The baby mindset will cost him the lowest support in this Punggol esat by-election. He said he wanted to be the third voice in parliament to check on the two dominant party in parliament. This type of remarks trigger people to think of the past election jokers like Harman Singh.
Now, Let's talk about JB's son Kenneth, although his strength is slightly better than Desmond Lim but his remarks like attacking other fellow opposition party Worker Party's performance on the parliament will upset many opposition supporters. He always pour cold water to the fellow opposition party. People who want to have opposition MP in parliament will not vote for him because they know it is totally useless to vote for him just to divide the potential worker party's candidate Ms Lee Li Lian. Sadly to say Kenneth will also lose the election deposit just like Desmond Lee.
How about Dr Koh? People will think how come so many things never get done during the time of Michael Palmer? Although he will get substantial numbers of votes but the 54 percents will drop. How many percents of votes drop will determine whether he can get elected or not.
Worker Party Lee Li Lian can win Puggol east by election, Ms Lee Li Lian had already contested on last general election on Puggol east, She got 41 percents. Because of her personality and experiences, She will get more than 41 percents this time.I predict that Desmond Lee will get 1 percent and Kenneth will get 1.5 percent of total votes. Worker Party's Lee Li Lian will geet 50 percent and Dr. Loh will get 47 percent, the rest are all invalid votes.
So, Can my prediction come true? It is most likely. See you on 26 Feb 2013.
Worker Party Lee Li Lian can win Puggol east by election, Let's see how Lee Li Lian spoke in the Workers' Party's rally.

Dear voters of Punggol East and fellow Singaporeans, welcome to the last rally for this BE! During my walkabouts, I have been asked by residents, young and old alike what I will do if I am elected. I have no million and multi-million projects to announce today, neither am I going to make you empty and false promises. If I am elected, the immediate and most important thing is to take over the town council and ensure a smooth operation, to serve Punggol East residents and take good care of the constituency; a most privileged role, if entrusted to me by the residents of Punggol East.
Today, I would like to speak to you about 3 issues.
Singapore has 5.31 million residents. Approximately 1.49 million of these are foreigners; 530,000 are PRs; and the remaining 3.29 million are Singaporean citizens.

Recently, the Prime Minister said that Singapore can accommodate 6 million people.

The Workers’ Party is not anti-immigrant. We welcome foreigners who can contribute to Singapore and enhance our quality of life. We are grateful to those who do the jobs that Singaporeans do not want to do. Their rights should be protected and we should ensure they enjoy decent and safe working and living conditions.
However, the speed of immigration in the last 10 years has taken many of us by surprise. In 2000, we had a total population of 4 million. In 2005, the population was 4.2 million. From 2005 to 2013, the population jumped from 4.2 million to 5.3 million.  Over 1 million people in just 8 years! And while the PAP government has opened the floodgate, they were ill-prepared for the influx and we, the people, have to pay a heavy price for this.
Our trains are overcrowded to the point of danger. In order to cope with the huge crowds, the frequency of train services had to be increased. This increased frequency led to strain on the train infrastructure. This strain increased wear and tear, and led to many train breakdowns.
The pace of the influx of foreigners must not exceed the development of infrastructure, like public transport networks, hospitals and schools. Unfortunately, for the past 10 years, infrastructure development has lagged behind population growth, which is the cause of so much unhappiness among Singaporeans. We also have to keep in mind Singaporeans’ sense of well-being and identity, as we allow in so many foreigners.
However, we do not believe that immigration is a long term solution to our population problems.
The next 2 issues have been brought up several times by Singaporeans but nothing gets done! I have also mentioned this in my rally speeches in GE2011.
1st group, stay at home parents,
Work fare bonus is only meant for people with an income.  As an inclusive society, have we forgotten ‘stay at home parents’ who do not earn an income?
These stay at home parents or home makers have chosen to stay at home to take care of the house and family so that other members of the family can go out to work or attend school, and have piping hot meals served to them when they come home.  They are the CEO of the HOUSE but they are given none or very little recognition for their valuable contribution to home and society.
They have chosen a profession that is no less important than any salaried job, and have often put their careers on hold to nurture the next generationThey should not be forgotten!
The Workers’ Party proposes that stay at home parents should receive the same infant care and childcare subsidies as other working parents!
Our inclusive society has also forgotten the 2nd group, single parents, who are Singapore citizens and whose daughter and son will bear and nurture future generations as well as serve National Service.
Did you know that single parents can only purchase HDB BTO Flats only when they are 35 and above?
Regardless of marital status, all parents love and want to provide their children with the best they possibly can.  Some single parents need caregivers too, but they are excluded from working mothers’ child relief, grandparent caregiver relief and foreign maid-levy relief.
Babies from single parents are also not eligible for Baby Bonus.
While having children outside of marriage should continue to be discouraged in our society, children born to single parents should not be denied the benefits that children of married parents receive.  The children are innocent parties and should not start life being disadvantaged.  Single parents should receive the same parenthood benefits packages as married parents.
Allow me to quote our pledge, ‘happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation’.  How can there be actual progress when stay at home parents and single parents are being left behind! We, the citizens of Singapore should move together as one people under one Flag!
Currently, the Parliament is made up of 80 PAP MPs vs 6 elected Opposition MPs.  There is a great imbalance in Parliament right now.  That is why there is an urgent need to vote more Workers’ Party candidates into Parliament.
On 26th Jan 2013, your ballot paper is not just a piece of paper with a cross on it. It is a piece of paper that will send a signal to the ruling party that all is not well.  We need more constructive changes!
Voters of Punggol East, Vote Workers’ Party! Vote for Lee Li Lian!
Undilah Parti Pekerja! Undilah Lee Li Lian!

大家不要误会,工人党从来不排外,也不反对引进,能帮助建设新加坡,帮助提高我们的生活素质的,外来人口。新加坡人不喜欢做的一些工作,客工进来填 补空缺,我们应该维护客工应有的权益,让他们能在安全有尊严的情况下,在我们这里工作和生活。我相信大多数新加坡人也和工人党一样,都有这样的包容心,去 容纳外来人口。
重点是,过去十年,我们国家的基础设施的发展,例如公共交通、医院、学校等等,完全跟不上外来人口大量进来后,所带来的额外需求。外来人口越来越 多,也让新加坡人的身份认同变得模糊。这些,才真正是人民不满的原因! 2011年大选之后,工人党夺下了阿裕尼集选区,行动党政府才好像被掴了一巴掌,才愿意醒过来!
现在,只有那些有工作,有收入的人,才有资格领取“Workfare Bonus”,就业奖励花红。 那么,那些为了照顾家庭,照顾子女,而放弃工作的人,他们怎么办呢?他们放弃工作,待在家里,把一家大小照顾妥当,把子女好好抚养成人。这些全职父母的贡 献,难道就不重要吗?难道我们就可以把他们排除在外吗?
所以,我 建议没有工作,待在家里帮忙照料孩子的家长,能够和有工作的家长一样享受育儿津贴。
6 位在野党议员就够了吗?
一月二十六日, 投工人党一票,投李丽连一票,迈向第一世界国会!