Tuesday, April 16, 2013


邪淫共业极易感招家人得祸 This post is not written by coolingstar9,I copy from the internet so that those who are addicted on sex can wake up.
The post was written in Chinese. The author reminded us that improper sex not only hurt ourselves but affect the lives of our parents. He told us his painful experiences to remind people who had addicted on sex badly. To help those helpless people who habitually having this type of addiction, I make some simple translation. As you know, my English is ready no good but I hope your readers can understand my broken and simple English. Yes, improper sex can lead to the misfortunes without your realizing it. In this world too many people are not aware of this, they think this is nothing, it is normal. Because of this mindset, they will eventually encounter somethings that they will not fully understand it until his last day on this earth. For me, I am the stupid person but I now understand better and know the importance of self-control especially those vice or bad deeds through good articles, good advice or from those saints or those who have the clear mind. Yes, with the current confused world with leading liberal or immoral acts, it is so lucky for us to have the rare chance to examine ourselves to do better, to have the truly peaceful life. Yes, this is not the slogan, this can be done. If our mind become more and more clearer, we will slowly understand why saints want to educate us despite all the attractions that blind us day by day through TV, Internet. Thanks the author, you are the truly friend. 

   四年前,我一度染上了看黄色光盘的恶习,常常流连于小影吧里,一看就是半天。看了之后欲火中烧,则又会手淫或去洗头房邪淫。( Four years ago, the author was addicted in watching blue film-sex video for a long time and I always hang around in Internet bar watching all these deteriorating films. After watching all these type of bad films, my hearts feeling damn hot, the fire of sex desire keep on burning like the wild fire and then go to bad place or doing bad acts.) 泰戈尔有一首诗中说:“我象麝 鹿一样在林中奔走,为着自己的香气发狂。”堕落在邪淫中的人,虽然披着人皮,但是气质、行为上已经完全是畜生了, 毫无半点廉耻,有的只是对淫欲无尽的贪 求。那时,我虽然貌似学佛,其实心与佛背,常寂光中,诸佛菩萨,肯定会为着我这大不孝的忤逆佛子而流泪,而灭法的魔王妖魅,则在周围高兴地欢呼雀跃。( those who are addicted on improper sex are like those beasts, they have totally no shame. although they still look like human but they are the beasts in terms of character and behavior. They have endless sex desires. Although I am learning religious knowledge but my mind is ready not religious, I am ready hypocrite. I think those saints will cry for me if they know and the evils are laughing at me ) ,我想 改,可是我忍不住,我一边在心里告诉自己,坐下来念佛听经,可是一边我的腿脚却不由自主地将我带到邪僻之地。片刻的欢愉过后,换来的便是长久的自责、懊 恼、颓丧。感觉得生死的根越结越深,极乐的路渐行渐远。我,愧对生养我的父母,是他们带我来到了这个光明的世界;愧对我的先祖,是他们用自己的血汗修积的 福报,早已铺就了我人生的道路;我愧对我的家族,我不能给这个厚实的姓氏增加一点光辉,我只会给她抹狗屎;我更愧对佛菩萨的显冥加持提携。我,是真是畜生 不如。我想去死,我没有脸活在世上,我又怕去死,我还有生的留恋,更没有脸去见地下的祖先。那一段时间,我过着肮脏的龌蹉的痛不欲生的日子。
   有一天晚上,在从洗头房邪淫之后,刚走出门没几步,就看到一个似乎是老人家,坐在马路对面的幽暗处,用低沉的慢悠悠的声音连声说:“不好啊,不好啊。”我 听得很清楚,我当时就有种不好的预感,感到老人家的话,可能是对于我的预言。果然,三个月之后,我的妈妈突发乳腺癌开刀,一只乳房几乎全部切除,而我的伯 父也因胰腺癌突然离开了人世。我真是罪过弥天,修福修慧的孩子,他的母亲是绝对不会得这种恶病的,因为母子是天性相关的,因为亲人是共业相连的;修福修慧 的孩子,他的母亲必定得人天敬仰善神护念的,恶星、病魔连恶眼尚且不敢看她,何况敢让她遭此大难。母亲所受的苦难一点都不怪她自己,完全是因为邪魔恶鬼看 不起我这个做儿子的,而唾弃我、鄙视我、嘲弄我,才降下的祸秧。就连我的伯父,如果我是个孝顺的侄子的话,如果我的德行能够稍微感动鬼神,他绝不会在六十 七岁就走完他的人生路的,因为伯父是个军人,身体一向都是甲级的。我不孝的罪过是忏除不完的,是拔除不尽的。我一生都会背着这个心灵的十字架,一想到它, 心就会隐隐作痛。
   我在此恳求各位常有邪淫之举的人,你可以作践自己,你可以不把生命、名誉、福报放在心上,你可以不把将来的地狱恶报放在心上。但是你在将要邪淫之前,请想 想生养你的父母,想想你深爱的家人,想想共业中的因果牵连。他们极有可能会因为你的邪淫的罪过,而感招来灾祸上身。谁不希望自己的父母福深寿永,谁不希望 妻子贞良贤淑,谁不希望子女孝顺发达,而邪淫之人往往是事与愿违、背道而驰,恳请您一定要三思而行。不然必定会悔之晚矣。这种事例,古今中外实在是太多太 多了。我愿以此吁请大家警醒的功德,愿我的母亲现世福寿安康,身坏命终之时,蒙佛接引往生西方极乐世界。也愿我的伯父早日超生善道,修行佛道,早成圣果。 南无清静西方极乐世界阿弥陀佛。

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